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According to Wikipedia, strong duality holds when "the primal optimal objective and the dual optimal objective are equal." What are the necessary conditions for strong duality to...
Asked on 08/19/2021
1 answerConsider this to be our SDP problem: Minimize $langle C, X rangle$ such that$langle A_i, X rangle ge b_i$ for all $i in [m]$ and$X...
Asked on 08/19/2021
1 answerI have different metaheuristics (Tabu search, Simulated annealing, Iterated local search) solving an optimization problem (a variant of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem). Each metaheuristic is implemented separately in Python....
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Antarctica
1 answerbegin{align}min&quadsum_{i=1}^Nfrac{A_i}{x_i}\text{s.t.}&quadsum x_i le X\&quad x_i ge 0end{align} wherein $A_i>0, (iin{1,dots,N})$ is constant, $x_i, (iin{1,dots,N})$ is a continuous optimization variable....
Asked on 08/19/2021
1 answerFor an optimization problem, there are multiple-type variables should be optimized. Can we use the convex optimization method to solve a subproblem of partial variables, and then, with the obtained...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by qinqinxiaoguai
2 answerI have the following optimisation problem.begin{align}max&quadsum_isum_jsum_k x_{ji}y_{kj} operatorname{cost}(i,k)\text{s.t.}&quadsum_j x_{ji}=1quadforall i\&quadsum_k y_{kj}=1quadforall jend{align} Please suggest any solver for this. The cost function is stored in a matrix....
Asked on 03/01/2021 by Rajya
6 answerThis is the shortest path problem. I've used a model where we can find the shortest path between the source and a specified destination. The idea behind this model is...
Asked on 03/01/2021 by WindBreeze
1 answerI have a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINP) problem.Is there a free solver for such a problem?...
Asked on 02/18/2021 by DSPinfinity
1 answerI am seeking the help to know where I can study the job shop scheduling Heuristics or using solverby some course/video as I see some of books and...
Asked on 02/18/2021 by Yue Chao
0 answerGiven $n$ variables $x_{i}$ where $iin [0,n)$, denoted as a vector $x$, given a linear objective function that we want to minimize $c^top x$ with...
Asked on 02/15/2021 by user152503
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