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I am giving a small computer exercise that aims at teaching students the basics of a modelling language to model small optimization problems. So far I have been using the...
Asked on 08/19/2021
15 answerSo I noticed, that a lot of students taking OR-classes come from non-computer science backgrounds (e.g. buissiness administration). They typically had only one other class in their first semester where...
Asked on 08/19/2021
3 answerWe often hear that in practice, not enough data of sufficient quality, consistency, recency, etc. is available for feeding into mathematical optimization models. Example: my university wanted to plan/optimize their...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Marco Lübbecke
4 answerI am working with some computational experiments with an Integer Programming (IP) formulation over a well-known set of instances from the literature of my problem. And I would like to...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Matheus Diógenes Andrade
2 answerIn general, suppose you have a non-convex optimization problem with constraints and you form the dual problem. If you find a local optimum for the dual problem, will the corresponding...
Asked on 08/19/2021
2 answerI want to solve the following integer programming problem using AMPL. The problem is the following (It was already asked on, but I need...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by user3831
2 answerI've noticed that parallel (CPU or GPU) nonlinear programming solvers are few and far between. It seems that if any parallelization is involved at all, it generally applies to solving...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Josh Allen
3 answerAs part of our department Ph.D. research methodology course, I'm going to give a short online lecture on how to review the literature effectively. As the course organizer asked us...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Ehsan
2 answerI am dealing with a problem having two types of variables: binary variables, and continuous variables. In some cases, the continuous variables are not used, and so the problem contains...
Asked on 08/19/2021
1 answerI have some data that looks almost linear. I need to make a fit in order to evaluate the slope.The thing is, the slope is changing if I change...
Asked on 08/19/2021 by Jane
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