AUDIO DEVICES: Difference between different audio devices and sound editing
Super User Asked on November 7, 2021
I am here to ask some technical questions about differences between some audio devices and about them point by point. I am a beginner or noob in audio devices and sound editing.
Please answer this question point by point.
- How a bass boosted or different types of headphones are made? Is there hardware difference or software difference between flat headphones and bass headphones?
- Can you produce flat sound from a bass headphone by using some software or not? (for purpose of professional audio editing)
- Can you make changes to a bass boosted headphones manually (to hardware or its software) to be able to use it as flat headphones for audio editing? If yes, then how?
- Why professionals do not use earphones for audio editing? And can we use it for professional sound editing? (because I think that some earphones produce flat or pure sound)
- Can we do audio editing using some speakers? and why?
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