Stack Overflow Asked by Jim R on January 1, 2021
One of the submissions in my form is Choose Your Opponent. It has 425 options based on a data query. The form element is a select list name = ‘opponent’. Here is the line that produces the the User sees.
while($opponent = mysqli_fetch_assoc($oresults)) {
echo '<option value = "'. $opponent['id'] .'">'. $opponent['school'] .'</option>';
The user sees ‘school’, but it passes ‘id’ to the PHP. Is there a way to send both the value and what the option user sees to the PHP?
Only the opponent’s ‘id’ is going into the data table, but I want also send ‘school’ back to the user saying, "Your stats vs. ‘school’ has been submitted".
I know I can produce it with another query, but I’d rather not.
you can put both the id
and the school
in the option value as a string then convert it into an array
echo '<option value = "'. $opponent['id'] .','. $opponent['school'] .'">'. $opponent['school'] .'</option>';
you will probably receive a string of something like: 'id,school' next, convert this string into an array. refer to code below
$string = 'id,school' // this is your select option value
$array = explode(',', $string)
above code will give you $array = [ 'id', 'school' ]
which you can now output to your page.
echo 'Your stats '. $array[0] .' vs school '. $array[1] .' has been submitted';
Correct answer by BillJustin on January 1, 2021
You can send JSON with both or all data:
echo '<option value="'.htmlentities(json_encode($opponent)).'">'.$opponent['school'].'</option>';
Then in PHP:
$opponent = json_decode($_POST['opponent'], true);
echo $opponent['school'];
Answered by AbraCadaver on January 1, 2021
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