Stack Overflow Asked by Micheal J. Roberts on February 21, 2021
I’m currently preparing some logged items into a JSON serialized format.
I am attempting to do this via Django’s built-in ORM, utilising annotations and aggregations.
I’m trying to replicate the following structure per each of these "logged items":
"count": 20,
"metric-type": "total-dataset-requests",
"access-method": "regular",
"country-counts": {
"au": 6,
"jp": 1,
"us": 13
I’ve currently built this queryset
from my own knowledge:
metrics = LoggedItem.objects.filter(
'identifier', 'country'
metric_type=models.Value("total-dataset-requests", output_field=models.CharField()),
access_method=models.Value("regular", output_field=models.CharField())
This gives me a <Queryset []>
as follows:
<QuerySet [{'identifier': '10.80519/954e-4db4', 'country': 'fr', 'count': 1, 'metric_type': 'total-dataset-requests', 'access_method': 'regular'}, {'identifier': '10.80519/954e-4db4', 'country': 'gb', 'count': 5, 'metric_type': 'total-dataset-requests', 'access_method': 'regular'}]>
As you can see, I have all of the data I need for mimicking the above data stucture. But in a sightly obscure format … I can go in a clean this up with Python, from a values_list() or iterator(), but I’d like to do most of the heavy lifting on the database layer via the ORM.
So I guess my question is, how could I replicate the kid of aggregation as shown in the JSON structure as an ORM query…?
FYI: It would likely be useful to know The full LogItem
class LogItem(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(_('ID'), primary_key=True)
session_id = models.TextField(_('Session ID'), default='')
doubleclick_id = models.TextField(_('Doubleclick ID'), default='')
event = models.DateTimeField(_('Event Recorded At'), default=now, blank=True)
client_ip = models.CharField(_('Client IP'), max_length=15, null=True, blank=True)
session_cookie_id = models.CharField(_('Session Cookie ID'), max_length=120, null=True, blank=True)
user_cookie_id = models.CharField(_('User Cookie ID'), max_length=120, null=True, blank=True)
user_id = models.CharField(_('User ID'), max_length=100, null=True, blank=True)
request_url = models.TextField(_('Request URL'), default='')
identifier = models.CharField(_('Identifier'), max_length=120, null=True, blank=True)
filename = models.TextField(_('Filename'), null=True)
size = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(_('Size'), null=True)
user_agent = models.TextField(_('User Agent'), default='')
# Alpha-2 ISO 3166 Codes: [Reference: Country Codes Alpha-2 & Alpha-3](
country = models.CharField(_('Country'), max_length=10, default='gb')
hit_type = models.CharField(_('Hit Type'), max_length=60, null=True, blank=True)
is_robot = models.BooleanField(_('Is Robot'), default=False)
is_machine = models.BooleanField(_('Is Machine'), default=False)
I think you can only do this in python and not QuerySet, as Queryset is a database "SELECT" representation, and as far as i know you can not include dictionary "country-counts" in your queryset rather than build the result Either in a custom model Serializer Method or in python code:
Serializer Example:
class LogItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
country_counts = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = LogItem
def get_country_counts(self, obj):
# create the dic you want
result = {
"au": 6,
"jp": 1,
"us": 13
return result
Answered by George Messiha on February 21, 2021
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