Task list view permissions by department

SharePoint Asked by Yerjan on December 6, 2021

I have a task list where task list of the entire company exists. I want task list can have permission to view such that a department member can only view his/her department tasks, but cannot view other department’s tasks, and all tasks view is disabled.Is it possible?

2 Answers

I assume a user can only have 1 department? or he/she is only a member of 1 department?

you could just filter the view by current user [me], and add the department to the view,

in that case, he can only see his task, he only have 1 department anyways. The list should be something like

enter image description here

This is a concept that I assume would work, let me know if it helps atleast.

Happy SharePointing!

Answered by Edwin on December 6, 2021

You can do this easily. Follow these steps:

1. Create SharePoint Groups as per your departments.

  • Go to Site Settings > People and groups > New Group (with the name of your department e.x. HR, Marketing)
  • Add users to these groups as per departments.

2. Set Permissions to your Tasks Lists

  • Go to List Settings > Permissions for this list > Stop Inheriting Permission
  • Check all groups and click on Remove User Permissions in the ribbon.
  • Now in the ribbon, click on Grant Permissions. Add Group Name [HR/Marketing] which you want to give permissions for this list.

Now Login with user who is in HR group, He could see only those lists which have set permissions for HR group.

EDIT: If you have single task list with Department column then when you add new item to Tasks List then add SharePoint Group permission to Assign To Field:

enter image description here

Answered by Ronak Patel on December 6, 2021

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