Stop marzipan drying out during storage (eg. on Battenberg)

Seasoned Advice Asked on December 12, 2020

I bought a Battenberg cake and ate it over the course of a couple of weeks. To try and stop the marzipan wrapping drying out I stored it in clingfilm; however, after a week, the marzipan had still somewhat dried out and become more brittle. Am I missing a trick? Is there a better way to store it that will help keep it in its original state?

One Answer

Chill it in the fridge for an hour or two (aids slicing) before you open it, then slice it all immediately.

Wrap each slice separately & freeze.

I'm not sure I'd want to eat 2-week-old sponge cake whether it was wrapped in marzipan or not, kept anywhere except a freezer. This type of product is only shelf-stable until it's opened, after that its life-span is short.

Correct answer by Tetsujin on December 12, 2020

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