Should I add salt when boiling vegetable? Why?

Seasoned Advice Asked by Hoa Nguyen on June 18, 2021

I am a new learner on cooking and I would like to boil some vegetable: soybean, baby corn, okra, etc. I saw a lot of people add salt when boiling them but I am not sure I should do that or not, and what is the purpose of adding salt when boiling? Hope to get feedback for you guys. Thank you in advance!

3 Answers

Maybe you have heard of osmosis. Putting salt into the water when boiling vegetables (which are also slightly salty) will prevent water from entering the vegetables, hence decreasing the overall flavor of the vegetables.

Answered by Daniel Valenzuela on June 18, 2021

The purpose of adding salt when boiling is to add flavor to it. Also, Salt retains the moisture of the vegetables from the inside.

Answered by arjun on June 18, 2021

Personally I prefer to cook cabbage with just enough water not to boiling dry; keep a gentle steaming 4 mins and without salt. So with steaming I would season afterwards. Tom

Answered by Tom on June 18, 2021

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