Can you sub collagen protein for whey protein isolate in baking?

Seasoned Advice Asked by Veithurst on December 6, 2020

I have Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Unflavored, which is 90% protein (9g protein per 10 g serving).

The whey protein isolates I’ve seen are also approximately 90% protein. Because I already have the collagen, I’d like to substitute it for whey protein isolate in recipes for gluten-free baked goods. I’ve searched this topic online and am coming up blank. I have yet to find a GF baked recipe that uses collagen in the same way that they’re using the WPI. Anyone out there have any experience/knowledge with subbing collagen for the isolate? Thanks for the help, Mary

Note: I am specifically asking about isolate, not just whey protein.

3 Answers

I do not know scientifically what the differences are when used in baking, but I have used collagen hydrosylate as a replacement for WPI in keto baking. I cannot tolerate dairy, so I have had no choice, and cannot compare the results directly. I saw the Bulletproof Blog using collagen hyrosylate in some recipes (which deflate), and there were no adverse textural results, so I have been adding it for extra protein into just about everything I bake now. I too have searched repeatedly online, and no one seems to have answered this for the general public.

Answered by Sara on December 6, 2020

I have a keto baking book and it states you can substitute with collagen powder or peptides.

Answered by user85464 on December 6, 2020

Referring to whey protein, not specifically whey protein isolate, Carolyn Ketchum writes as follows: "I do not recommend using collagen peptides or collagen protein powder as a replacement for why or egg white protein....the baked goods always become quite gummy and difficult to cook through." Ultimate Guide to Keto Baking

Answered by Linda Nelson on December 6, 2020

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