Physics Asked by JohnnyMo1 on October 2, 2021
I’m currently studying QFT from David Tong’s lecture notes and video lectures. In meson to nucleon + antinucleon decay (section 3.2.1 in
this ) in scalar Yukawa theory to order $g$, without using Feynman diagrams, he talks about the term in the mode expansion with a meson creation operator $a_vec{p}^{dagger}$ not contributing to the scattering amplitude because the two-meson state has no overlap with the final state.
I think I get what this means on a physical level, obviously we don’t want any mesons in our final state, but I don’t see how to get the contribution to disappear mathematically. What does “zero overlap” mean? I think I’ve seen that it means $leftlangle a|b rightrangle = 0$ for whatever states you’re looking at, but it seems to me that at order $g$ this term will look like $leftlangle f|int d^4x; psi^{dagger}(x)psi (x) a^{dagger} a^{dagger}|0 rightrangle$ (with some factors that I think should be irrelevant suppressed) and I don’t see why this vanishes. Can anyone show me explicitly how this occurs?
The general idea is that:
$$|frangle propto b^{dagger} c^{dagger}|0rangle$$
so that:
$$langle f| propto langle 0| cb$$
The $psi$ and $psi^{dagger}$ operators don't contain any $a$ operators, leaving those two $a^{dagger}$ on the right to commutes right through the $cb$ on the left, annihilating the state and giving zero, as:
$$a|0rangle = 0 implies langle 0|a^{dagger}=0$$
Answered by Owen on October 2, 2021
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