Motorcycle not starting unless I force it into first gear, but the battery itself is ok

Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Asked by Niccolò Campolungo on June 5, 2021

I am having a weird issue with my Kawasaki Z650 2019, as per title. It used to start when I just pulled the clutch, now it needs be forced into first gear in order for it to start (while holding down the start button).

The bike has ~7500 km, and I brought it to the dealer a couple of weeks ago to get it checked. They said the battery was fine, it had like 96% charge and they charged it back up and they had no clue where the problem might come from (they said it might be that the battery is actually at fault but their tools cannot detect it – but it’s highly unlikely and thus I wanted a second opinion).

This video shows what the bike does (it is from around a month ago, when it still started by just pulling the clutch): (issue at 0:15).

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