Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Asked by Oscar Mederos on November 28, 2020
I have a Nissan Sentra 2014. I wanted to start using full synthetic oil, and the manual said I should use 0W-20. I changed both the oil and the filter (I used this one), and after finishing I realized I used 0W-30 instead.
I was thinking about changing it again tomorrow, but I’m not sure if I can use that one, and wait some miles before changing it again.
Is it serious? When should I change it? Also, should I change the oil filter again as well?
This is not a serious issue. You can probably even get by using 0W-30, especially since you are in an area which is usually warm. If you were in a colder area up north somewhere, I'd highly suggest you change it out. If you do decide to change it out, don't worry too much about the filter. I'd take the filter down and drain out what's in it, but put some clean oil back on the gasket and put it back in. The little bit of leftover 0W-30 is not going to cause any issues.
One of the issues with running a heavier weight oil is that your bearing clearances are set by the factory to accept the thinner oil. By having the thicker oil in the crankcase, you run the risk of bearing damage. I think with where you live the chance is mighty small, but it's still there. If your car is really new, I'd highly suggest you change the oil out. When a car is newer, the bearing tolerances are even tighter. Seeing as how your car is a 2014, there has probably been at least three or four oil changes done to it, so it shouldn't be an issue.
Correct answer by Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 on November 28, 2020
It is interesting how people think they know the answers. Let's break down what oil viscosity means, and how it applies to engine use. First of all, "thicker" oil is NOT physically thicker. It is more like being more "clingy". The actual measurement of the oil molecules is pretty much the same whether 20 weight oil or 40 weight oil. It is the additives that make it thicker or thinner.
Let's use 5W30 as a reference. The 5 represents how thick the oil is cold, and as a reference, "not thicker than 5 weight oil at -40.". The "W" represents winter cold starts. So at this point whether 5 weight or 0 weight, 0 weight would give better cold start protection. The 30 represents "not thinner than 30 weight oil at operating temperatures.
The only concern for newer engines would be how the systems sensors, actuators etc would work with the different oil viscosities. For example the VVT actuators may not work as well with the different oils. Trying won't hurt except to hinder performance and fuel economy.
If you want to research, check websites that explain oil technology and be very wary of forums from people who want to give you "good advice". My advice is, if you are not sure, use manufactures recommended oil and oil change intervals.
Answered by Chilli1327 on November 28, 2020
I drive an SUV for transcontinental trips from Arctic Canada to Belize. I have experimented with oils for five or six years in many road and weather conditions and at altitudes varying from sea level to 9000+ ASL. Whether the ambient air temperature is -30F or +35F the 4 liter V6 in my Xterra has run smoother and quieter, especially during the critical 'Start-up' phase; that first 30 seconds after turning the key. That's where automotive engineers agree that between 90-95% of all engine wear occurs. Use only 'SN' (an API oil classification) full synthetic oil with a bottom end of 0W and you will not go far wrong. Listen closely to your motor during that critical first 30 second warm-up before you put your vehicle into motion. The sounds and vibrations will tell you how well it likes (or dislikes) the oil you're using. All the best, JC Bradshaw
Answered by JC Bradshaw on November 28, 2020
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