Ford Fusion ABS Pump Selection

Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Asked by jsinger on July 21, 2021

I have a 2009 FWD Ford Fusion SEL with AdvanceTrac. The HCU/ABS Pump is having an issue that is apparently decently common with these cars, where a valve in the HCU gets stuck open after the ABS is activated, greatly reducing break pressure. As far as I’ve been able to determine, this means I need to replace the part.

While searching for parts, I’ve found two that ostensibly match my vehicle, depending on where I’m searching. The parts, on, are these:

9E5Z-2C215-A – ABS Control Unit Traction Control With Advance Trac (MSRP ~$1350, available for ~$1100). Searching by VIN on indicates I need this part.


6E5Z-2C215-A – ABS Control Unit With Brake Only Traction Control, Less Traction Control, Traction Control W/O Advance Trac (MSRP ~$850, available for ~$600). Just about every other site says I need this part.

Ideally, I’d like to purchase the second part, because its cost is about half of the former, but I have the following questions:

1) Given that the rest of the applicable parts in my car support/use AdvanceTrac, is the non-AdvanceTrac part going to even interoperate with the rest of the system, or do all of the parts need to match exactly?

2) Assuming I can use the second part, what, exactly, do I lose going from using AdvanceTrac to “Brake Only Traction Control, Less Traction Control”?

3) For bonus points, what exactly is the difference between these two pumps? I can understand why there might be a different in, say, the 2c219 part (the computer side of the thing) in terms of handling AdvanceTrac, but what would need to be different in the pump?

As an aside, I don’t understand how this fault hasn’t been recalled. I feel like a defect that can cause significant and sudden reduction in breaking power is a rather huge safety issue. 😐

One Answer

Yes, they need to match exactly. The two part numbers are not interchangeable.

The mechanical difference between the two is in the Brake Pressure Modulator Valve.

  • The 6E5Z-2C215-AA (w/o AdvanceTrac) is a 3 circuit setup. The BPMV can send fluid to the left front, right front and combined rear wheels. It contains 3 dump/isolation valves, the pump, pump motor and the front/rear low pressure accumulators.
  • The 9E5Z-2C215-AA (w/AdvanceTrac) is a 4 circuit setup. The BPMV can send fluid to all 4 wheels independently. It contains, the pump, pump motor, 4 dump/isolation valves, 2 TC isolation/supply valves, a master cylinder pressure sensor and the front/rear low pressure accumulators.

Also note that AdvanceTrac is Ford's version of Electronic Stability Control. So it contains and takes input from other (Some are the same, WSS) sensors than the w/o AdvanceTrac module does.

As an aside, if you plan on doing the work yourself make sure you have a way to pulse the BPMV during bleeding.

Correct answer by Ben on July 21, 2021

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