Repeating and Sequencing Procedures with two Do-loops

Mathematica Asked by Felipe Villazon on July 3, 2021

I have a Do loop where I’m looking for the value of certain parameters that respect the conditions inside an If, and with those values, a run another Do to make another calculation of an expression that uses the values found previously, how can I do that for every set of value of the parameters that satisfy the condition in the first Do loop automatically go to the second Do loop and at the end, put the found values in both Do loop in the same list, here an example of what I did,
(I would really appreciate some tips if you don’t have time.)

file = File[CreateFile[File@"list1"]]

pr = 1.*10^-13;
mI2 = (0.5)*(v1^2)*(l3+l4-l5) + mu2^2;
mnp2 = (0.5)*(v1^2)*l3 + mu2^2;
v1= 246.*10^9;
mu2= RandomReal[{1.*10^11, 1.*10^13}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
l7= RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
l3= RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
l4= RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
l5= RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
mu3= RandomReal[{1.*10^11, 1.*10^13}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
A= RandomReal[{0, 1.0*10^11}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];

If[Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[ms2][[1]]]] < pr && Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[ms2][[2]]]] < pr &&
3.2*(10^22) < Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[1]]] < 4.0*(10^23) &&
2.6*(10^22) < Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[2]]] < 3.4*(10^23) &&
Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[1]]] > Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[2]]] &&
Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[1]]] > 0 && Re[Eigenvalues[ms2][[2]]] > 0,


Here you can see that I save the result in the list and then once I got them, I use another "Do" to evaluate them as follows

y1 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
y2 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
y3 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
h1 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h2 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h3 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h4 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h5 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h6 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f1 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f2 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f3 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f4 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f5 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f6 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];

        y1*(dn[[i, 1]]/(dn[[i, 2]] - y2^2))*Log[dn[[i, 1]]/y1^2]+
        y2*(dn[[i, 2]]/(dn[[i, 1]] - y2^2))*Log[dn[[i, 1]]/y2^2]+
        y3*(dn[[i, 1]]/(dn[[i, 1]] - y3^2))*Log[dn[[i, 2]]/y3^2];

M[i_]:=((dn[[i, 9]]*dn[[i, 8]])/(16.*Sqrt[2]*Pi^2))*m[i];

If[Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[1]]]] < pr &&
Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[2]]]] < pr &&
Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[3]]]] < pr &&
(1.*10^-5)<Re[Eigenvalues[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[2]]] -
Re[Eigenvalues[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[3]]] < (9.*10^-5) &&
y1 > y2 && y2 > y3 && y1 > y3 && dn[[i, 2]] > y3 &&
(2.000*10^-1) < (Eigenvectors[M[i].Transpose[M[i]]][[1,3]])^2 < (2.9*10^-1),
PutAppend[{f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
,M[i].Transpose[M[i]],dn[[i, 1]],dn[[i, 2]],dn[[i, 9]],dn[[i,8]]},"list2"]],
{i, 1, Length[dn]}] // AbsoluteTiming 

You can see that in the second Do I use the parameters that satisfy the condition of the first Do but if I want to evaluate like 50000000 points I will have to use a lot of memory, I want that every time the first loop finds a point, go immediately to the second loop to evaluate it and see if it satisfy the conditions of the second loop.

Which would be the better way to do this, saving time and memory. Optimizing the search of the points.
Not doing the whole calculation putting all the conditions in the same IF.

Another way to do that would be like putting all in the same "Do" and all the conditions in the same "If" but I don’t know how "Do" works, and the first "Do" get the result very easy but in the second "Do" it’s hard to find a set of parameters because of the conditions, that’s why I want to make them running in different loops.

One Answer

The goal, as I understand it, is to avoid storing dn. A straightforward approach is

list = {};

ParallelDo[pr = 1.*10^-13;
 v1 = 246.*10^9;
 l7 = RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
 l3 = RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
 l4 = RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
 l5 = RandomReal[{0, 1.}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
 mu2 = RandomReal[{1.*10^11, 1.*10^13}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}]; 
 mu3 = RandomReal[{1.*10^11, 1.*10^13}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
 A = RandomReal[{0, 1.0*10^11}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}]; 
 mI2 = (0.5)*(v1^2)*(l3 + l4 - l5) + mu2^2;
 mnp2 = (0.5)*(v1^2)*l3 + mu2^2; 
 ms2 = {{(0.5)*v1^2*l7 + mu3^2, A*v1}, {A*v1, (0.5)*v1^2*(l3 + l4 + l5) + mu2^2}};
 ms2val = Eigenvalues[ms2];
 If[3.2*(10^22) < ms2val[[1]] < 4.0*(10^23) && 2.6*(10^22) < ms2val[[2]] < 3.4*(10^23), 
 dn = {ms2val[[1]], ms2val[[2]], l3, l4, l5, l7, ms2, 
 Eigenvectors[ms2][[1, 1]], Eigenvectors[ms2][[1, 2]]};

y1 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
y2 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
y3 = RandomReal[{100., 1000.}]*1.*10^9;
h1 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h2 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h3 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h4 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h5 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
h6 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}]*RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f1 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f2 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f3 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f4 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f5 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
f6 = RandomReal[{1.*10^-7, 1.*10^-5}] RandomChoice[{-1., 1.}];
m = {{f1*h1, f1*h2, f1*h3}, {f2*h1, f2*h2, f2*h3}, {f3*h1, f3*h2, 
    f3*h3}}*y1*(dn[[1]]/(dn[[2]] - y2^2))*
  Log[dn[[1]]/y1^2] + {{f2*h2, f2*h4, f2*h3}, {f4*h2, f4*h4, 
    f4*h3}, {f5*h2, f5*h4, f5*h3}}*y2*(dn[[2]]/(dn[[1]] - y2^2))*
  Log[dn[[1]]/y2^2] + {{f3*h3, f3*h5, f3*h6}, {f5*h3, f5*h5, 
    f5*h6}, {f6*h3, f6*h5, f6*h6}}*y3*(dn[[1]]/(dn[[1]] - y3^2))*
M = ((dn[[9]]*dn[[8]])/(16.*Sqrt[2]*Pi^2))*m;
If[Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[1]]]] < pr && 
Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[2]]]] < pr && 
Abs[Im[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[3]]]] < pr && (1.*10^-5) < 
  Re[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[2]]] - 
  Re[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[3]]] < (9.*10^-5) && y1 > y2 &&
 y2 > y3 && y1 > y3 && 
 dn[[2]] > y3 && (2.000*10^-1) < (Eigenvectors[M . Transpose[M]][[1, 
     3]])^2 < (2.9*10^-1), 
AppendTo[list, {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, 
 Re[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[1]]], Re[Eigenvalues[M . Transpose[M]][[2]]],
 M . Transpose[M], dn[[1]], dn[[2]], dn[[9]], dn[[8]]}]]],


The major changes in the code given in the question are:

  1. Added RandomSeed so that results are reproducible.
  2. Used AppendTo to store final results in list in memory. If so many answers are produced that they do not fit in memory, the revert to PutAppend.
  3. When a case satisfying the first If is found, store the values in a single dn.
  4. Then, put the second calculation inside the first If to see whether it satisfies the second If.
  5. If the second If is satisfied, store the result in list.
  6. Simplified second block of code, primarily by eliminating unnecessary code in first If.
  7. Moved expressions for mI2 and mnp2 into Do loop, so that their values are updated as the index is advanced.
  8. Replaced Do by ParallelDo, which required declaring loop as a shared variable and moving all constants inside the loop.

The code now runs much faster and uses far less memory. For the given value of RandomSeed and 1000000 tries,

(* 11 *)

Answered by bbgodfrey on July 3, 2021

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