Mathematica Asked on July 26, 2021
I have a set of functions I have plotted them in one single figure. The following are my concerns.
1. I tried to fix the legends for this figure, but unable to do this
2. Is there any way that I can plot these functions in black with different styles. I tried using the absolute dashing function to do this, and I got what I was looking for, but the problem is I need to do this separately for all the functions and later use the show function to merge them. Are there any ways that I can automate this?
fixedfree = Table[Sin[(2*i - 1)/(2)*π*x2], {i, 1, bmc}]
barmodes = Flatten[{fixedfree}];
p9 = Plot[barmodes, {x2, 0, 1},
PlotLegends -> {"Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4", "Mode 5"}]
Use the option PlotTheme -> "Monochrome"
Plot[barmodes, {x2, 0, 1}, PlotTheme->"Monochrome",
PlotLegends -> {"Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4", "Mode 5"}]
Update: In version 11 (Windows 7) , "I got the plot style but still, legends are not appearing in the plot."
Try creating the legend separately and combine it with plot using Legended
monochromestyles = "DefaultPlotStyle" /. (Method /.
Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Monochrome", Plot]);
legend = LineLegend[ monochromestyles, {"Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4",
"Mode 5"}];
Legended[Plot[barmodes, {x2, 0, 1}, PlotTheme -> "Monochrome"], legend]
same picture
Update 2: To place the legend above the plot:
legend = LineLegend[monochromestyles, {"Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4",
"Mode 5"}, LegendLayout -> {"Row", 1}];
Legended[Plot[barmodes, {x2, 0, 1}, PlotTheme -> "Monochrome",
ImageSize -> {500, 300}], Placed[ legend, Above]]
Correct answer by kglr on July 26, 2021
Here's another way, using increasingly spaced dashing.
bmc = 5;
fixedfree = Table[Sin[(2*i - 1)/(2)*[Pi]*x2], {i, 1, bmc}];
barmodes = Flatten[{fixedfree}];
customdashing[i_] := Dashing[{0, 0.001*3 i, 0.001*3 i}];
p9 = Plot[barmodes, {x2, 0, 1},
PlotStyle -> Table[Directive[Black, customdashing[i]], {i, 1, bmc}],
PlotLegends -> {"Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4", "Mode 5"}]
Note the customdashing
The result isn't quite as distinctive as the PlotTheme
answer, but it should work on any version. To customise the result, you can try changing the factor in the customdashing
function from 3i
to some larger value like 5i
Answered by Musang on July 26, 2021
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