Plot of Implicit Equations

Mathematica Asked by diverger on December 18, 2020

I’ve read Cool Graphs of Implicit Equations recently. In the article, it mentioned a software GrafEq which can draw graphs of arbitrary implicit equations. For example,

enter image description here

And I’ve tried several equations in Mathematica, it failed to give a same graph.

ContourPlot[Exp[Sin[x] + Cos[y]] == Sin[Exp[x + y]], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}]

enter image description here

And in GrafEq’s page, it says:

“ All software packages, except [GrafEq 2.09], produced erroneous
graphical results. … [GrafEq 2.09] demonstrated its graphical
sophistication over all the other packages investigated.” — Michael
J. Bossé and N. R. Nandakumar, The College Mathematics Journal

(The other software packages were MathCad 8, Mathematica 4, Maple V,
MATLAB 5.3, and Derive 4.11.)

I want to know if I missed some techniques in Mathematica which can handle these equation drawing? Or it’s really a ‘weakness’ of Mathematica in this area?


In the link:

The program also features successive refinement plotting, which
deletes regions of the plane that do not contain solutions, revealing
the regions that do contain solutions. Plotting is completed by
proving which pixels contain solutions.
This technique enables the
graphing of implicit relations, in which no single variable can be
readily isolated. Such relations cannot be graphed at all by the
typical computer graphing utility or graphics calculator. Successive
refinement plotting also permits the plotting of singularities.

It seems it judges pixel by pixel, if the pixel’s (x,y) is the solution of the equation, then it will be colored. Then what Mathematica’s method to draw such equations? Does it have a similar mode we can choose when drawing such graph?

Now, I think I should make my questions clear:

  1. How Mathematica handle such drawings.
  2. How GrafEq handle that, I think I’ve got some clues, but not sure.
  3. How to get the same result with Mathematcia?

4 Answers

In principle the same method could be used in Mathematica. The problem boils down to determining if a solution to $a=b$ exists somewhere inside each pixel. Here's an oversimplified approach where I calculate $a-b$ for 100 random points within the pixel and see if there are both positive and negative values. If there are, there must be a zero crossing somewhere inside the pixel.

pixelContainsSolution[x0_, y0_] :=
 (Max[#] > 0 && Min[#] < 0) &[
  Exp[Sin[#1] + Cos[#2]] - Sin[Exp[#1 + #2]] & @@@ 
   Transpose[{x0, y0} + RandomReal[{-0.05, 0.05}, {2, 100}]]]

Image[1 - Table[Boole@pixelContainsSolution[x, y],
   {x, -10, 10, 0.1}, {y, -10, 10, 0.1}]]

enter image description here

It's pretty slow - to obtain a nice high resolution plot in a reasonable amount of time would need some optimisations.


Example of faster code:

data = Compile[{}, Block[{x = Range[-10, 10, 0.0025]},
        Exp[Outer[Plus, Sin[x], Cos[x]]] - Sin[Exp[Outer[Plus, x, x]]]]][];

Developer`PartitionMap[Sign[Max[#] Min[#]] &, data, {20, 20}] // Image

Correct answer by Simon Woods on December 18, 2020

The following is a answer to the original question, without accounting for the last edit.

The red plot is nice,but I'm not sure what they are trying to show. Inside the solid colored regions the frequency is very high, but the function isn't constant, as an easy check can show:

f[x_, y_] := Exp[Sin[x] + Cos[y]] - Sin[Exp[x + y]]
GraphicsRow[{Plot[f[x, 5], {x, -10, 10}],  Plot[f[x, 5], {x, 4.999, 5}]}]

Mathematica graphics Mathematica graphics

So the red plot is just a simplification of the real one which is better shown in the Mathematica output.

Answered by Dr. belisarius on December 18, 2020

That's the best I could go with Mathematica 10.0.2, with PlotPoints->50 and MaxRecursion->4.

 E^(Sin[x] + Cos[y]) == Sin[E^(x + y)], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, 
 Axes -> True, ImageSize -> Large, PlotPoints -> 50, 
 MaxRecursion -> 4]

The rendering took about 1 hour with Mathematica eating all my 16Gb Ram. (I'll never try something like this again!)

enter image description here


Following Mr.Wizard comment here's a better plot and a better solution. It took just 1m 12s but the Ram utilization peaked to 13GB (beware!):

 E^(Sin[x] + Cos[y]) == Sin[E^(x + y)], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, 
 Axes -> True, ImageSize -> Large, PlotPoints -> 2000, 
 MaxRecursion -> 0]

enter image description here

Answered by Luca M on December 18, 2020

With[{eqn = Sin[Sin[x] + Cos[y]] - Cos[Sin[x y] + Cos[x]]},
 With[{data = Compile[{}, Block[{x = Range[-10, 10, .005]}, 
   Reverse@Table[UnitStep@eqn, {y, x}]]][]},
  Erosion[ColorNegate@EdgeDetect[Image[data]], 2]

enter image description here

To change the color, you can use ColorReplace[image, Black -> color]

enter image description here

(* A little faster than the built-in EdgeDetect *)
edgeDetect[img_] := Image[Sqrt[ImageData[ImageConvolve[img, {{1, 0}, {0, -1}}]]^2 + 
    ImageData[ImageConvolve[img, {{0, 1}, {-1, 0}}]]^2]];

Previous answer


enter image description here

Answered by chyanog on December 18, 2020

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