Please help me with using ListDensityPlot

Mathematica Asked by Malli Tangi on December 22, 2020

I have a data file consisting of radial, angle, and intensity columns. For each radius value, angle moves a full rotation while collecting intensity. With ListDensityPlot, I could plot it as given below

list density plot

  PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
  FrameLabel -> {"χ (°)", "Φ (°)"},
  BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Helvetica}

Now I would like to plot it in a polar plot as shown in the following figure.

sample polar plot

Here’s a sample of data that shows angles in degrees (columns 1 and 2), and intensity measurement in column 3:

{{0, -6.572, 4}, {0, 193.428, 6}, {1.5, 32.428, 4}, {1.5, 232.428, 7}, {3, 71.428, 7}, {3, 271.428, 3}, {4.5, 110.428, 6}, {4.5, 310.428, 6}, {6, 149.428, 7}, {6, 349.428, 3}, {7.5, 188.428, 2}, {9, 27.428, 8}, {9, 227.428, 6}, {10.5, 66.428, 8}, {10.5, 266.428, 6}, {12, 105.428, 4}, {12, 305.428, 4}, {13.5, 144.428, 5}, {13.5, 344.428, 6}, {15, 183.428, 5}, {16.5, 22.428, 5}, {16.5, 222.428, 1}, {18, 61.428, 2}, {18, 261.428, 4}, {19.5, 100.428, 5}, {19.5, 300.428, 6}, {21, 139.428, 6}, {21, 339.428, 2}, {22.5, 178.428, 2}, {24, 17.428, 3}, {24, 217.428, 4}, {25.5, 56.428, 4}, {25.5, 256.428, 6}, {27, 95.428, 3}, {27, 295.428, 8}, {28.5, 134.428, 4}, {28.5, 334.428, 5}, {30, 173.428, 6}, {31.5, 12.428, 4}, {31.5, 212.428, 2}, {33, 51.428, 0}, {33, 251.428, 4}, {34.5, 90.428, 2}, {34.5, 290.428, 3}, {36, 129.428, 5}, {36, 329.428, 3}, {37.5, 168.428, 4}, {39, 7.428, 7}, {39, 207.428, 1}, {40.5, 46.428, 3}, {40.5, 246.428, 3}, {42, 85.428, 3}, {42, 285.428, 11}, {43.5, 124.428, 0}, {43.5, 324.428, 3}, {45, 163.428, 1}, {46.5, 2.428, 4}, {46.5, 202.428, 5}, {48, 41.428, 2}, {48, 241.428, 3}, {49.5, 80.428, 4}, {49.5, 280.428, 3}, {51, 119.428, 4}, {51, 319.428, 3}, {52.5, 158.428, 4}, {54, -2.572, 5}, {54, 197.428, 2}, {55.5, 36.428, 2}, {55.5, 236.428, 2}, {57, 75.428, 3}, {57, 275.428, 6}, {58.5, 114.428, 6}, {58.5, 314.428, 5}, {60, 153.428, 1}, {60, 353.428, 0}, {61.5, 192.428, 1}, {63, 31.428, 1}, {63, 231.428, 3}, {64.5, 70.428, 3}, {64.5, 270.428, 5}, {66, 109.428, 3}, {66, 309.428, 3}, {67.5, 148.428, 2}, {67.5, 348.428, 2}, {69, 187.428, 6}, {70.5, 26.428, 2}, {70.5, 226.428, 0}, {72, 65.428, 1}, {72, 265.428, 1}, {73.5, 104.428, 5}, {73.5, 304.428, 2}, {75, 143.428, 1}, {75, 343.428, 0}, {76.5, 182.428, 2}, {78, 21.428, 0}, {78, 221.428, 3}, {79.5, 60.428, 3}, {79.5, 260.428, 3}, {81, 99.428, 6}, {81, 299.428, 3}, {82.5, 138.428, 2}, {82.5, 338.428, 1}, {84, 177.428, 5}, {85.5, 16.428, 3}, {85.5, 216.428, 4}, {87, 55.428, 1}, {87, 255.428, 2}, {88.5, 94.428, 0}, {88.5, 294.428, 2}, {90, 133.428, 3}, {90, 333.428, 0}};

The entire data set is available at

[The following was provided by the OP in a suggested edit to an answer; since it contains new information possibly usefulto answering the question, I am trying to salvage it by including it here – MarcoB]

I do not want the data to be transformed. Please see the below image for clarity.

example of desired pole figure

It is called the XRD pole figure. Angle Chi (1st column of my data varied from 0 to 90) is set along the radial axis, the second column is the angular (Phi 0 to 360) direction and the third one is intensity. Hope it is feasible with Mathematica.

Added picture which I draw. Hope it helps to understand

3 Answers


newdata = 
  Function[{χ, ϕ, 
     z}, {(χ Degree)*Cos[ϕ Degree], (χ Degree)*
      Sin[ϕ Degree], z}] @@@ data;
ListDensityPlot[newdata, PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
 FrameLabel -> {"χ (°)", "Φ (°)"}, 
 BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> Plain, 
   FontFamily -> "Helvetica"}, InterpolationOrder -> Automatic, 
 BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Thick, Black], 
 RegionFunction -> Function[{x, y}, x^2 + y^2 <= .2^2], 
 AspectRatio -> Automatic]

Original Maybe something like this.

data = Flatten[
   Table[{χ, ϕ, Sin[χ*ϕ]}, {χ, 0., 4, 
     0.1}, {ϕ, 0., 2 Pi, 0.1}], 1];
newdata = 
  Apply[Function[{χ, ϕ, 
     z}, {χ Cos[ϕ], χ Sin[ϕ], z}], data, 1];
ListDensityPlot[newdata, PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
 FrameLabel -> {"χ (°)", "Φ (°)"}, 
 BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 18, FontWeight -> Plain, 
   FontFamily -> "Helvetica"}, InterpolationOrder -> Automatic, 
 BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Thick, Black]]

Answered by cvgmt on December 22, 2020

Thank you for posting your complete data. You can transform your data into cartesian coordinates easily. Assuming that your dataset is data, then:

transformed = 
  Function[{rho, theta, intensity}, {rho Cos[theta], rho Sin[theta], intensity}] @@@ data;

This can be digested by ListDensityPlot directly. Below I have added a sigmoidal shaper to the ColorFunction, acting directly on your intensity values. You should play around with the intensityThreshold until you find a value that you think best highlights the features of your data set. You might want to use Manipulate for this as well.

With[{intensityThreshold = 12},
    ColorFunction -> (Tanh[# - intensityThreshold] &),
    ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
    ImageSize -> Medium,
    Epilog -> {Thickness[0.01], Darker@Green, 
               Circle[{0, 0}, Max[transformed[[All, 2]]]]},
    Axes -> False, Frame -> False

radial density plot

Answered by MarcoB on December 22, 2020

The data represents intensity measurements on the surface of a sphere. The pole-plot is a view of the surface of the sphere looking at the origin from the positive z-axis. For ListDensityPlot, we need to project points on the surface of the sphere (blue point) onto the x-y plane (red point).

spherical coordinates

FromSphericalCoordinates gives the x,y,z coordinates. Ignore the z-axis because ListDensityPlot needs only the x-y coordinates. We find this expression for the x and y coordinates:

FromSphericalCoordinates[{1, [CapitalChi], [CapitalPhi]}][[1 ;; 2]]

{Cos[Φ] Sin[?], Sin[Φ] Sin[?]}

The first two columns of the data are degree measurements. Convert these two columns because Sin and Cos require radian values. Find the spherical coordinates projected onto the x-y plane. Borrowing from MarcoB's answer, plot the intensity measurements with ListDensityPlot, with radius circles at 15° intervals (15, 30, 45, and 60), and radial grid lines.

data[[All, 1 ;; 2]] *= Degree;
(*data projected onto the x-y plane*)
xyData = Function[{[CapitalChi], [CapitalPhi], intensity},
  {Cos[[CapitalPhi]] Sin[[CapitalChi]], 
    Sin[[CapitalPhi]] Sin[[CapitalChi]], intensity}] @@@ data;

intensityThreshold = 12;
 ColorFunction -> (Tanh[# - intensityThreshold] &), 
 ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
 Axes -> False, Frame -> False,
 Epilog -> {Thickness[0.01], Darker@Green, Circle[{0, 0}, 1],
   Thickness[0.005], Dashed,
   Table[Line[{p, -p}], {p,Table[{Cos[a], Sin[a]}, {a, 
     Subdivide[0, 150, 5] Degree(*30° increments*)}]}],
   Table[Circle[{0, 0}, Sin[d Degree]], {d, 15, 60, 15}]}]

plot of spherical data

Answered by creidhne on December 22, 2020

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