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I tried to bilinearize the two equations:eq = {Laplacian[psi[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 6 u[t, x, y] psi[t, x, y] + (x^2 +...
Asked on 07/16/2021 by vqngs
4 answerI am fitting using NonlinearModelFit, where I am trying to input guess values for parameters (g and xp1) from the for a loop. For a certain value of g or...
Asked on 07/16/2021 by Dhruv Sharma
1 answerConsider a real tensor $bf{T}$ upon $mathopotimeslimits_{n}(mathbb{R}^3)$, with a definite order $n$, it could be isotropic, i.e., be invariant under the action of all elements in ...
Asked on 07/16/2021 by Chromo Runge
1 answerI'm trying to solve a set of differential equations numerically to get a 3D plot, but I am getting multiple different warnings and errors. First of all, here is the...
Asked on 07/16/2021
1 answerI think I started to notice this issue with plots when I updated to version 12.3 a couple weeks ago but didn't pay too much attention. Now it's really bugging...
Asked on 07/16/2021
1 answerBelow two figures are just for example. What should I do if I want to plot the two figures below on the same plot with the same y-axis only that...
Asked on 07/15/2021
2 answerI have a matrix with 'n' rows and 3 columns where the first two columns are the X and Y values and the third column is f(x,y). All values are...
Asked on 07/15/2021 by SRoy_00
2 answerLet $Omega$ be a spatial region bounded by cone $z=sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}$ and hemispherical surface $z=sqrt{R^{2}-x^{2}-y^{2}}$, and $Sigma$ be the outer side of the entire boundary of the...
Asked on 07/15/2021
0 answerCan Mathematica select the appropriate number of terms when fitting a density function with a mixture of density functions? If so, can it also select the most suitable distributions involved...
Asked on 07/15/2021 by Kief
0 answerI've been meaning to modify some code given in the the Region Disjoint documentation for the Buffon's Needle problem to instead model ...
Asked on 07/15/2021 by Bhoris Dhanjal
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