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I have this data for four quantities measured in different temperatures:data = {{729, 656, 2156, 2035}, {761, 677, 2178, 2060}, {952, 856, 2651, 2465}, {888,...
Asked on 07/24/2021
1 answerI have a task to get the total number of games played in a soccer tournament. Apart from the group stages, I observed that the number of games played in...
Asked on 07/24/2021 by emmaakachukwu
3 answerI've created two issue last year, but unfortunately was able to return to this problem only now. This question is a continue to this issue. Essentially I am now...
Asked on 07/24/2021 by zanhesl
1 answerThis question is related to, but not the same as, two others I recently asked about using Mathematica's PGP functionality: "After using GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair[], how to print the two keys...
Asked on 07/24/2021
1 answerI'm trying to combine graphics using Grid such that I have a ListPlot[] in the middle and a histogram on the top and right axes. I am 95% there,...
Asked on 07/23/2021
3 answerFor example, here is a rational polynomial:$$frac{8 z^2}{8 z^2-6 z+1}$$ If I using Apart directly, the result is:$$-frac{1}{4 z-1}+frac{2}{2 z-1}+1$$but if I want to using...
Asked on 07/23/2021 by FillLost
1 answerI found something this tutorial for method of line doesn't tell us. Consider the following toy example:eqn = With[{u = u[x, t]}, D[u, t]...
Asked on 07/23/2021
2 answerBreatherSurface is given in Mathematica code. Taking clue from this view or otherwise how to obtain table of $ (u,v,x,y,z) $ points and its plot of...
Asked on 07/23/2021
1 answerConsider some dataset. I use the following code to interpolate it:SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]];dataset1 = Drop[Import["dataset.txt", "Table"], 1];yxDistr[y_, x_] = Interpolation[dataset1, InterpolationOrder -> 1][Log10[y], Log10[x]]xmin = 10^-1.98;xmax =...
Asked on 07/23/2021
0 answerHow to use Mathematica to solves any linear diophantine equation of the form ax+by=c, whenever it is solvable. Such as this example, How to get the x = -165, y...
Asked on 07/23/2021
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