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I would like to use the Facebook Prophet API for timeseries forecasting in Mathematica. I'm trying to make a function prophetM which takes a list of date,...
Asked on 08/11/2021
0 answerf[x_, y_, z_] ={ {1.5 - 0.75 (Cos[x] + Cos[y]), -I Sin[x] - Sin[y], 3.5 - 1.5 E^(-I z) - 1.5 (Cos[x] + Cos[y]), 0},...
Asked on 08/11/2021
1 answerHow to draw spheres with BubbleChart with a reversed vertical axis?The 3rd example shows the problem (empty plot), likely caused by the transformation, but how to correct it?sample...
Asked on 08/11/2021 by HuibH
0 answerI'm trying to annotate a plot with points of the form $left(frac{1}{2},frac{1}{2}right)$; my problem is that the parentheses don't stretch to cover the fraction. I think that what...
Asked on 08/11/2021 by rogerl
2 answerMay I ask how to add error bar into the bar chart?The standard deviation and the mean are included in the below code. JoinMean...
Asked on 08/11/2021 by ljsg
1 answerI have a function which gives me all the coordinates of a certain bloc in a lattice (with the help of another function for rows and columns):(* len...
Asked on 08/10/2021
2 answerIt's been rather smooth progress lately using GeoGraphics as I attempt to render different polygons over the greater metropolitan Vancouver area. I found this answer helpful in digging deeper...
Asked on 08/10/2021
0 answerI am new in Mathematica and I was trying to find documentation on the Dirichlet-Neumann and Neumann-Neumann methods (which are part of Domain Decomposition Method), but I couldn't find any....
Asked on 08/10/2021
1 answerI am new in parallel programming and I am trying to speed up an old code using parallelization when possible. So I am (re)writing a function that computes two lists...
Asked on 08/10/2021
1 answerI ask for advice and help. I am having difficulties of this nature. There is a nonlinear system of the following type: ...
Asked on 08/10/2021
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