How to use Manipulate to place `Tooltip` for each data point on a ListPlot with a varying Linear Regression line

Mathematica Asked on December 13, 2020

I want to build on an already developed Code given in:

For easy implementation, I applied it to a sample of 10 observations. Given:

data = {{525.48, 37.02}, {525.2, 36.86}, {528.44, 36.995}, 
        {533.27, 36.795}, {534.31, 36.59}, {536.26, 36.53}, 
        {535.66, 36.52}, {534.24, 36.515}, {534.71, 36.5}, 
        {535.41, 36}};

dataLabels = {"aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "gg", "hh", "kk", "nn", "mm"};


f[p1_, p2_] := Module[{x0, y0, q, q1, q2, q3, q4, xLeft, xRight, yLower, yUpper}, (*Determine the point that will give those two proportions*)
x0 = Quantile[data[[All, 1]], p1 + p2];
y0 = Quantile[Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 &][[All, 2]], p1/(p1 + p2)];

(*Assign the points to each quadrant*)
q1 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
q2 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];
q3 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
q4 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];

(*Find proportions in each quadrant*)
proportions = N[Length[#] & /@ {q1, q2, q3, q4}/Length[data]];

(*Determine locations on the plot for placing the proportions*)
xLeft = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]] + 
  Min[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]])/2;
xRight = (Max[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]] + 
  Min[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]])/2;
yLower = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]] + 
  Min[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]])/2;
yUpper = (Max[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]] + 
  Min[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]])/2;

(*Show results*)
q = Select[{q1, q2, q3, q4}, # != {} &];
Show[ListPlot[q, ImageSize -> Large, 
Epilog -> {Inset[
   Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[1]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 
    36], {xLeft, yLower}], 
  Inset[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[2]], {10, 3}]], 
    Bold, 36], {xLeft, yUpper}], 
  Inset[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[3]], {10, 3}]], 
    Bold, 36], {xRight, yLower}], 
  Inset[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[4]], {10, 3}]], 
    Bold, 36], {xRight, yUpper}]}], 
 ListPlot[{{{x0, Min[data[[All, 2]]]}, {x0, 
   Max[data[[All, 2]]]}}, {{Min[data[[All, 1]]], 
   y0}, {Max[data[[All, 1]]], y0}}}, Joined -> True, 
 PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Black]]]

The above Code works as expected. I wanted to add two more features to the existing Code:

  1. How can I add a linear or nonlinear regression line on top of the 4-quadrant figure?
  2. How can I label each observation on the ListPlot using Tooltip with dataLabels?

Thank you.


ClearAll[typeTFP, measureTFP, proportions, poly, dataLabels];
typeTFP = {data, datagr1, datagr};
measureTFP = {"TFP Distance", "TFP Growth   Rate Distance", "TFP Growth Rate Distance DWA"};

   {x0, y0, q, q1, q2, q3, q4, xLeft, xRight, yLower, yUpper},

(*Determine the point that will give selected two proportions*)
 x0 = Quantile[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 1]], 
 p1 + p2];   (*p1 denotes the proportion for Q1, and p2, the proportion for Q2*)
 y0 = Quantile[
  Select[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], #[[1]] <= x0 &][[All,2]], p1/(p1 + p2)];

(*Assign the points to each quadrant*)
 q1 = Select[
   typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
 q2 = Select[
   typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];
 q3 = Select[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
 q4 = Select[
   typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];

 (*Find proportions in each quadrant*)
 proportions = 
   N[Length[#] & /@ {q1, q2, q3, q4}/
 Length[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear]]];

 (*Determine locations on the plot for placing the proportions*)
 xLeft = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]] + Min[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]])/2;  (* Exo.factor left of the vertical line on X-axis *)
 xRight = (Max[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]] + Min[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]])/2;   (* Exo. factor right of the vertical line on X-axis *)
 yLower = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]] + Min[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]])/2;  (*TFPdist below the horizontal line on Y-axis *)
 yUpper = (Max[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]] + Min[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]])/2;  (*TFPdist above the horizontal line on Y-axis *)

 (*Show results*)
 q = Select[{q1, q2, q3, q4}, # != {} &];

 poly[x] := 
   With[{n = 2}, NonlinearModelFit[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], Total@Table[a[k] x^k, {k, 0, n}], a /@ Range[0, n], x] //Normal];
 dataLabels[factor, initYear] = 
  StringTake[dataCountry[factor,initYear]   // Flatten, 3];

 Show[ListPlot[q /. {x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ} :>Callout[{x, y}, Style[dataLabels[factor, initYear][[Position[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear], {x, y}][[1,1]]]], 10]],
 ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, False}}, FrameLabel -> (Style[#, 12, Bold] & /@ {vars[[factor]], measureTFP[[type]]}), Prolog -> {(*Move lines and text to Prolog so they are not on top of the data*) 
Black, Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[1]], {10, 2}]], 
Bold, 18], {xLeft, yLower}],     Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[2]], {10, 2}]], 
Bold,16], {xLeft, yUpper}],    Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[3]], {10, 2}]], 
Bold, 16], {xRight, yLower}],     Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[4]], {10, 2}]], 
Bold, 16], {xRight, yUpper}],      Line[{{x0, Min[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 2]]]}, {x0, Max[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 2]]]}}], 
Line[{{Min[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 1]]], y0}, {Max[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 1]]], y0}}]}], 
Plot[poly[xp], {xp,       Min[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 1]]], Max[typeTFP[[type]][factor, initYear][[All, 1]]]}]]],

Delimiter, Style["Parameters for TFP Distance Network", Bold, Medium],
{{initYear, 1, "Choose an initial period for TFP: "},   Thread[Range[Length[years] - 1] ->Take[years, 10]], ControlType -> PopupMenu}, 
{{type, 1, "Choose the type of TFP measure: "}, Thread[Range[Length[measureTFP]] -> measureTFP], ControlType -> PopupMenu},
{{factor, 14, "Choose an exogenous factor:"},  Thread[Range[Length[vars]] -> vars], ControlType -> PopupMenu}, 
{{p1, 0.20, "Choose a proportion for TFP_Lower: "}, 0, 1, .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{p2, 0.35, "Choose a proportion for TFP_Upper: "}, 0, 1, .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 FrameLabel -> {{"", ""}, {"", Style["Four Quadrants: TFP Measure versus Exogenous Factor", Larger, Bold, Black]}}


2 Answers


data = {{525.48, 37.02}, {525.2, 36.86}, {528.44, 36.995}, {533.27, 
    36.795}, {534.31, 36.59}, {536.26, 36.53}, {535.66, 36.52}, {534.24, 
    36.515}, {534.71, 36.5}, {535.41, 36}};

For a quadratic fit

poly[x_] = With[{n = 2}, NonlinearModelFit[data,
    Total@Table[a[k] x^k, {k, 0, n}],
    a /@ Range[0, n], x] // Normal]

(* -2233.98 + 8.61496 x - 0.00817032 x^2 *)

dataLabels = {"aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "gg", "hh", "kk", "nn", "mm"};

Modified Module

f[p1_, p2_] := 
 Module[{x0, y0, q, q1, q2, q3, q4, xLeft, xRight, yLower, yUpper},
  (*Determine the point that will give those two proportions*)
  x0 = Quantile[data[[All, 1]], p1 + p2];
  y0 = Quantile[Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 &][[All, 2]], p1/(p1 + p2)];
  (*Assign the points to each quadrant*)
  q1 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
  q2 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];
  q3 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
  q4 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];
  (*Find proportions in each quadrant*)
  proportions =
   N[Length[#] & /@ {q1, q2, q3, q4}/Length[data]];
  (*Determine locations on the plot for placing the proportions*)
  xLeft = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]] +
      Min[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]])/2;
  xRight = (Max[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]] +
      Min[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]])/2;
  yLower = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]] +
      Min[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]])/2;
  yUpper = (Max[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]] +
      Min[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]])/2;
  (*Show results*)
  q = Select[{q1, q2, q3, q4}, # != {} &];
   ListPlot[q /. {x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ} :>
      Tooltip[{x, y}, Style[dataLabels[[Position[data, {x, y}][[1, 1]]]], 24]],
    ImageSize -> Large,
    Prolog -> {
      (* Move lines and text to Prolog so they are not on top of the data *)
       Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[1]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 36],
       {xLeft, yLower}],
       Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[2]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 36],
       {xLeft, yUpper}],
       Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[3]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 36],
       {xRight, yLower}],
       Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[4]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 36],
       {xRight, yUpper}],
      Line[{{x0, Min[data[[All, 2]]]},
        {x0, Max[data[[All, 2]]]}}],
      Line[{{Min[data[[All, 1]]], y0},
        {Max[data[[All, 1]]], y0}}]}],
   Plot[poly[xp], {xp, Min[data[[All, 1]]], Max[data[[All, 1]]]}]]]


f[0.2, 0.3]

enter image description here

Correct answer by Bob Hanlon on December 13, 2020

This is just a revision of @Bob Hanlon's code above with two adjustments: the use of Callout instead of Tooltip and the use of Manipulate instead of Module. One can then play with different polynomial degrees denoted by n as a control.

data = RandomReal[{0, 300}, {40, 2}];

(*Determine the point that will give those two proportions*)
x0 = Quantile[data[[All, 1]], p1 + p2];
y0 = Quantile[Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 &][[All, 2]], p1/(p1 + p2)];

(*Assign the points to each quadrant*)
q1 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
q2 = Select[data, #[[1]] <= x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];
q3 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] <= y0 &];
q4 = Select[data, #[[1]] > x0 && #[[2]] > y0 &];

(*Find proportions in each quadrant*)
proportions = N[Length[#] & /@ {q1, q2, q3,q4}/Length[data]];

(*Determine locations on the plot for placing the proportions*)
xLeft = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]] +     
   Min[Join[q1[[All, 1]], q2[[All, 1]]]])/2;
xRight = (Max[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]] + 
   Min[Join[q3[[All, 1]], q4[[All, 1]]]])/2;
yLower = (Max[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]] + 
   Min[Join[q1[[All, 2]], q3[[All, 2]]]])/2;
yUpper = (Max[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]] + 
   Min[Join[q2[[All, 2]], q4[[All, 2]]]])/2;

(*Show results*)
q = Select[{q1, q2, q3, q4}, # != {} &];

poly[x_] = 
NonlinearModelFit[data, Total@Table[a[k] x^k, {k, 0, n}], a /@ Range[0, n], x] // Normal; 
dataLabels = {"aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "gg", "hh", "kk", "nn", "mm", "aa1", "bb1", "cc1", "dd1", "ee1", "gg1", "hh1", "kk1", "nn1", "mm1", "aa2", bb2", "cc2", "dd2", "ee2", "gg2", "hh2", "kk2", "nn2", mm2", "aa3", "bb3", "cc3", "dd3", "ee3", "gg3", "hh3", "kk3", "nn3", "mm3"};

   q /. {x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ} :>Callout[{x, y}, Style[dataLabels[[Position[data, {x, y}][[1, 1]]]], 12]], ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, False}}, FrameLabel -> (Style[#, 12, Bold] & /@ {"Fertility", "TFP measure"}), Prolog -> {(*Move lines and text to Prolog so they are not on top of the data*)
 Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[1]], {10, 3}]], Bold,16], {xLeft, yLower}],
 Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[2]], {10, 3}]], Bold, 16], {xLeft, yUpper}],
 Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[3]], {10, 3}]], Bold,16], {xRight, yLower}],
 Text[Style[ToString[NumberForm[proportions[[4]], {10, 3}]], Bold,16], {xRight, yUpper}],
 Line[{{x0, Min[data[[All, 2]]]}, {x0, Max[data[[All, 2]]]}}], 
 Line[{{Min[data[[All, 1]]], y0}, {Max[data[[All, 1]]], y0}}]}], Plot[poly[xp], {xp, Min[data[[All, 1]]], Max[data[[All, 1]]]}]],
{{n, 2, "Choose a polynomial degree: "}, 1, 10, 1, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{p1, 0.20, "Choose a Low-Low proportion: "}, 0, 
  1, .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{p2, 0.35, "Choose a Low-Up proportion: "}, 0, 1, 
  .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 FrameLabel -> {{"", ""}, {"",Style["Four Quadrants: TFP Measure versus Fertility", Larger,Bold, Black]}}]

Here is the final output: enter image description here

Answered by Tugrul Temel on December 13, 2020

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