How can I plot a Farey diagram?

Mathematica Asked by G. R. on January 6, 2021

How can I plot the following diagram for a Farey series?

enter image description here

6 Answers

I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".

On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:

farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], {2}]) ~ Join ~ {0, 1} //DeleteDuplicates //Sort

So for instance:


{0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1}

I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.

Answered by MarcoB on January 6, 2021

The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:

x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
  {x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t]},
  {t, 0, 2 Pi},
  PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.002], Black}

 Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}, 1]],
 ImageSize -> 500

Mathematica graphics

I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.

How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.

mediant[{a_, b_}, {c_, d_}] := {a + c, b + d}
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
  depth > 2,
  mediant[v1, v2], {
   recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
   mediant[v1, v2],
   recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]

computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[{numbers},
  numbers = 
   Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], {_Integer, _Integer}, Infinity];
  StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[{numbers},
  numbers = 
   Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], {_Integer, _Integer}, Infinity];
  StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers

labels = Reverse@Join[
    computeLabels[{1, 0}, {1, 1}],
    computeLabels[{1, 1}, {0, 1}],
    computeLabelsNegative[{1, 0}, {1, 1}],
    computeLabelsNegative[{1, 1}, {0, 1}]

coords = CirclePoints[{1.1, 186 Degree}, 64];

 Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}, 1]],
 Graphics@MapThread[Text, {labels, coords}],
 ImageSize -> 500

Mathematica graphics

Answered by C. E. on January 6, 2021

Using Graph with a bit of coding:

addPoint[{p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_]}, i_] :=
    With[{np = h[a + c, b + d]}, Sow[{p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q}]; Sow[{i, i}, "Depth"]; {p, np, q}]

addPoint[{p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_]}, i_] :=
    With[{np = h[-1][a + c, b + d]}, Sow[{p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q}]; Sow[{i, i}, "Depth"]; {p, np, q}]

addPoint[{p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_]}, i_] :=
    With[{np = h[-1][a + c, b + d]}, Sow[{p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q}]; Sow[{i, i}, "Depth"]; {p, np, q}]

addPoint[{p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_]}, i_] :=
    With[{np = h[-1][a + c, b + d]}, Sow[{p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q}]; Sow[{i, i}, "Depth"]; {p, np, q}]

fLabel[fr_, angle_] := 
    With[{tangle=ArcTan@@angle}, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[{1/2, 1/2}, {.7, #}] & /@{tangle, tangle+Pi}]]

fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]

FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
    Block[{fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts},
        cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[{opts}] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
        nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[{opts}], Options[Graph]];
        top = {fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0]};
        bottom = {fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1]};
        stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], {{fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]}}];
        i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
        i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
        vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1,  2;;-2]]];
        edges = Flatten[{stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]}];
        coords = CirclePoints[{1,0},Length[vert]];
        labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
        labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[{vert,coords}][[labpos]]];
        edgestyle = Black;
        dstyle = Black;
        If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
            edgestyle = Flatten[{Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]}];
            edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
            edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
            dstyle = cfunc[1]
        Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[{1,0},Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels, 
           EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[{#1[[1]],{0,0},#1[[2]]}, SplineWeights->{2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2}]&), 
           PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->{dstyle, Circle[]}, VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]



enter image description here

FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue, 
 VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]

enter image description here

Answered by halmir on January 6, 2021

grupo[n_] := Show[{Graphics[{Thin, Red, 
Circle[{0, 0}, 1, {0, Pi/2}]}]}, {Graphics[{Thin, 
Map[{BSplineCurve[{#1[[1]], {0, 0}, #1[[2]]}, 
SplineWeights -> {2, EuclideanDistance @@ 
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]}]}, {Map[Graphics[{Blue, 
Point[{ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]}]}] &, 
FareySequence[n]]}, PlotRange -> All]

Show[Table[grupo[n], {n, 2, 7}]]

enter image description here

Answered by G. R. on January 6, 2021

While reading an excellent post on chord diagrams, I realized that this type of figure is a Poincaré hyperbolic disk. The lines are Poincaré arcs. There is MathWorld article with code here.

So, copying the definitions of PoincareArc and PoincareDisk from MathWorld, we can draw the figure like this:

PoincareArc[l0_List] := 
 Module[{l = Sort[l0], dt, t, t1, t2, r, R, c},
  dt = Abs[l[[1]] - l[[2]]];
  t = Plus @@ l/2;
   dt == Pi,
     {Cos[l[[1]]], Sin[l[[1]]]},
     {Cos[l[[2]]], Sin[l[[2]]]}
     }], c = {Cos[t], Sin[t]};
   r = Tan[dt/2];
   R = Sec[dt/2];
   t1 = ArcTan @@ ({Cos[l[[2]]], Sin[l[[2]]]} - R c);
   t2 = ArcTan @@ ({Cos[l[[1]]], Sin[l[[1]]]} - R c);
   If[t2 < t1, t2 += 2 Pi];
   Circle[R c, r, {t1, t2}]]]

PoincareDisk[l_List] := 
 Module[{i}, {{Thickness[.001], Circle[{0, 0}, 1]}, 
   Table[PoincareArc[l[[i]]], {i, Length[l]}]}]

angles[n_] := Partition[Table[th, {th, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/n}], 2, 1]


Mathematica graphics

Answered by C. E. on January 6, 2021

An alternative way to use Graph: Using CycleGraphs with 2^k vertices and the internal edge shape function GraphComputation`GraphChartDump`pEdge:

eSF = GraphComputation`GraphChartDump`pEdge[#2[[1]], blah, blah, ##] &;

Show[CycleGraph[2^#, VertexSize -> 0, EdgeShapeFunction -> eSF, 
   EdgeStyle -> Black] & /@ Range[5], Epilog -> Circle[]]

enter image description here

Alternatively, use a function to define the edge list to be used in a single Graph:

vPairs[k_Integer] := DeleteDuplicates[Join @@ 
  (Partition[Append[#, 1], 2, 1] & /@ Range[1, 2^k, 2^Range[0, k-1]])]

Graph[Range[2^k], vPairs[k], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics[{}], 
  Epilog -> Circle[],
  EdgeShapeFunction -> eSF,
  GraphLayout -> "CircularEmbedding",
  ImageSize -> 300]

same picture

With colored edges:

Row[(colors = RotateRight @ ColorData[97, "ColorList"];
  Show[CycleGraph[2^#, VertexSize -> 0, EdgeShapeFunction -> eSF, 
         EdgeStyle -> Directive[Thick, First[colors = RotateLeft[colors]]]] & /@ Range[#], 
    Epilog -> Circle[], ImageSize -> 300]) & /@ Range[2, 5]]

enter image description here

Answered by kglr on January 6, 2021

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