Filling areas up to certain point between curves

Mathematica Asked on December 11, 2020

If I have the following data:


Which plotted using the following code:

datliq = Select[curveb, 400 <= #[[1]] <= 500 &];
datglass = Select[curveb, 0 <= #[[1]] <= 30 &];

mod1 = LinearModelFit[datglass, x, x];
mod2 = LinearModelFit[datliq, x, x];

peakArea[dataset_, {start_, end_}] := 
  Module[{region, peak, baseline, area},
   region = Select[dataset, start <= #[[1]] <= end &];
   peak = Interpolation[region];
   baseline = 
    Interpolation[region[[{1, -1}]], InterpolationOrder -> 1];
   area = 
    NIntegrate[peak[x] - baseline[x], 
     Flatten@{x, region[[{1, -1}, 1]]}];
    ListLinePlot[Style[dataset, Black, Thickness[0.01]], 
     PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, 
     FrameLabel -> {"Temperature", 
       "!(*OverscriptBox[(Q), (.)]) or !(*SubscriptBox[(C
), (p)])"}, FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, 24, Thickness[0.01]], 
     FrameTicks -> {None, None}],
    Plot[{Style[peak[x], Directive[Thick, Black]], 
      Style[baseline[x], White]}, 
     Evaluate@Flatten@{x, region[[{1, -1}, 1]]}, PlotRange -> All, 
     Filling -> {1 -> {2}}, FillingStyle -> Opacity[0.5, Blue]],
    Plot[mod1[x], {x, 0, 400}, PlotStyle -> {Black, Dashed}],
    Plot[mod2[x], {x, 100, 370}, PlotStyle -> {Black, Dashed}]

Show[peakArea[curveb, {258, 380}]]

Looks as follows:

enter image description here


I want to recreate area fillings similar to the following plot:

enter image description here

As you can see, I am able to do it for the peak (in blue) but I am struggling to do it for the middle area (in yellow) and the area in the low temperature side (also in blue). How can I do that?

I have been trying to follow the notation of Filling -> {ij -> {{ik}, {gk-, gk+}}} found in: How to Fill Between two Curves but It is not working out very well for me. I will appreciate your help

One Answer

   ConditionalExpression[mod1[x], 0 <= x <= 400], 
   ConditionalExpression[mod2[x], 100 <= x <= 370], 
   If[x <= 200, mod1[100], mod2[300]]},
  {x, 0, 400}, 
  PlotRange -> {0, 200}, 
  PlotStyle -> {Blue, {Black, Dashed}, {Black, Dashed}, {Thin, Gray}},
  BaseStyle -> Thick,
  Exclusions -> None, 
  Filling -> 1 -> {{4}, { LightOrange, LightBlue}},
  Frame -> True, 
  Axes -> False, 
  FrameLabel -> {"Temperature",
      Row[{Overscript[Q, Style[".", 30]], " or ", Subscript[C, p]}]}, 
  FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, 24, Thickness[0.01]], 
  FrameTicks -> {None, None}]

enter image description here

Correct answer by kglr on December 11, 2020

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