Efficient construction of a SparseArray from LIL (list of lists of column entries)

Mathematica Asked on January 22, 2021

In Python scipy.sparse, there are methods to convert between CSR, CSC, LIL, DOK, etc. implementations of a sparse matrix. What is the most efficient way in Mathematica to construct a mxn SparseArray from the LIL data? (inverse of this question)

More specifically, I have a list ll={l1,...,ln}, where each lv is of the form {{u1,w1},...}, which means the matrix has an entry {u,v}->w. Note that lv may be empty (zero column). Note that lv may have repeated entries, which should be summed (solution for this is here). For testing purposes, my cases are similar to the following example (e.g. millionXmillion matrix with 10 entries per column, all from the list R):

m=n=10^6; r=10; R={-1,1}; 

My current solution is:

LIL[ll_,m_,n_] := Module[{l,uu,vv,ww}, l=Length/@ll; 
  {uu,ww}=Transpose@Flatten[ll,1];   SparseArray[Transpose[{uu,vv}]->ww] ];


Is there a better way? What about parallelization? How could I compile this code? (the matrix entries are integers or rationals)

P.S. Let me just mention that in Python, I haven’t yet found a library for sparse matrices that allows rational number entries (exact fractions). Also, when I set every second column and every second row in a matrix to 0, the scipy.sparse implementation is waaay slower than Mathematica’s SparseArray (by a factor of 100). So I’m incredibly happy we have this data structure implemented in Mathematica in such an efficient way.

One Answer

You seem to do something wrong because the LIL you provide is more suitable to assemble the transpose of the desired matrix in CRS format (or to assemble the desired matrix in CCS format). Since Mathematica uses CRS, I show you how to assemble the transpose.

First two compiled helper functions:

getColumnIndices = Compile[{{p, _Integer, 1}, {a, _Integer, 2}},
   Block[{b, label, newlabel, counter, pointer, n, pos, boolean},
    n = Min[Length[p], Length[a]];
    b = Table[0, {n}];
    counter = 0;
    pointer = 0;
    label = 0;
    pos = 0;
    While[pointer < n,
     pos = Compile`GetElement[p, pointer];
     newlabel = Compile`GetElement[a, pos, 1];
     boolean = Unitize[label - newlabel];
     counter += boolean;
     label += boolean (newlabel - label);
     b[[counter]] = label;
    b[[1 ;; counter]]
   CompilationTarget -> "C",
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
   Parallelization -> True,
   RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"

getNonzeroValues = Compile[{{p, _Integer, 1}, {a, _Integer, 2}},
   Block[{b, label, newlabel, counter, pointer, n, pos, boolean},
    n = Min[Length[p], Length[a]];
    b = Table[0, {n}];
    counter = 0;
    pointer = 0;
    label = 0;
    pos = 0;
    While[pointer < n,
     pos = Compile`GetElement[p, pointer];
     newlabel = Compile`GetElement[a, pos, 1];
     boolean = Unitize[label - newlabel];
     counter += boolean;
     label += boolean (newlabel - label);
     b[[counter]] += Compile`GetElement[a, pos, 2];
    b[[1 ;; counter]]
   CompilationTarget -> "C",
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
   Parallelization -> True,
   RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"

I am not really happy with them because both tasks can actually be fused into one loop. But since CompiledFunctions cannot return more than one array and because messing around with unpacked arrays is so expensive, I leave it like this for now.

Here is the interface; CompiledFunctions don't like empty arrays as input, so I have to clean up first. Unfortunately, this has some extra cost.

LIL2[ll_, m_, n_] := Module[{idx, llclean, orderings, vals, rp, ci},
  idx = Pick[Range[Length[ll]], Unitize[Length /@ ll], 1];
  llclean = ll[[idx]];
  rp = ConstantArray[0, Length[ll] + 1];
  orderings = Ordering /@ llclean;
  vals = Join @@ getNonzeroValues[orderings, llclean];
  With[{data = getColumnIndices[orderings, llclean]},
   ci = Partition[Join @@ data, 1];
   rp[[idx + 1]] = Length /@ data;
  rp = Accumulate[rp];
  SparseArray @@ {Automatic, {n, m}, 0, {1, {rp, ci}, vals}}

Here is how the two methods compare:

m = n = 10^6;
r = 10;
R = {-1, 1};
ll = Table[Transpose@{RandomInteger[{1, m}, r], RandomChoice[R, r]}, n];

A = LIL[ll, m, n]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
B = LIL2[ll, m, n]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
A == Transpose[B]




Correct answer by Henrik Schumacher on January 22, 2021

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