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Law : Recent Questions and Answers (Page 17)

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How much control can US landlords have over a tenant's personal behavior in and outside of a dwelling?

I understand why it would be imoportant for Landlords to request certain information about employment and also to be allowed to establish rules like no smoking or no pets allwed...

Asked on 09/16/2020 by MikeyC

1 answer

Can a J-1 postdoc start a remote job abroad?

I am a postdoc in a US university on a J-1 visa.I have found a tenure-track faculty position in Europe, and would like to start there soon. However, it's...

Asked on 09/07/2020 by Jen

1 answer

Irish Passport through Great Grandparent

Say the family tree looks like this:Great Grandfather <- Born in what is now Northern IrelandGrandmother <- Born in BritainMother <- Born in BritainSon <- Born in BritainFrom a...

Asked on 09/01/2020 by Persistence

1 answer

Appraisal Rights in Chapter 11?

Assuming some number of shareholders believe that the bankruptcy process is inadequately compensating them (i.e. by setting the company valuation too low and thus giving creditors too much equity in...

Asked on 08/24/2020 by Hellawyer

1 answer

Do users who are given another user's email address have obligations under GDPR?

I have an app/website which connects people into groups and then the group performs work in the real world. That work in the real world will occasionally require that group...

Asked on 08/23/2020 by Giant Squid

1 answer

is it illegal to throw away someone's license/ID?

Subject is arrested while at work, unrelated to work, and not in civilian/street clothes which has ID. Held for a few months, employer throws away property, incl. ID. In order...

Asked on 08/19/2020 by persona non legis

1 answer

Can a White Person sue for Discrimination after being Fired for using the N-Word?

After the landmark Bostock v. Clayton County ruling, I am asking for a friend if he has an action against an employer who fired him for using the N-word on...

Asked on 08/16/2020 by Oliver

5 answer

Examples of listing common software IP assignment agreements exhibits

I'm wondering if there are any examples of listing common forms of software assets for Exhibit A's in assignment agreements (like when purchasing or selling assets). For example, GitHub repositories,...

Asked on 08/02/2020 by Tom

0 answer

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