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Law : Recent Questions and Answers (Page 16)

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Why is Front Running markets not treated as insider trading?

Front-Running is described in the book Flashboys and relies on an information advantage, that is apparently provided by the exchanges to a select few. Is said practice somehow...

Asked on 11/28/2020

2 answer

Can defense request findings of fact before resting?

Hypothetical scenario: A victim is identified with documented injuries consistent with having been struck with a weapon. The police find and charge a person (now "Defendant") that they claim...

Asked on 11/28/2020 by feetwet

2 answer

Does the U.S. Fifth Amendment prevent one from being tried again for the same crime?

I have a question about the Fifth Amendment. Imagine I committed a crime but I was acquitted at trial. After some time, some new evidence came up showing that I...

Asked on 11/11/2020 by Yovel

1 answer

Discrimination outside protected characteristics?

I am an avid community user for a paid software. The users buy the software, but not access to support. The company makes a strong use of the friendly community...

Asked on 11/09/2020 by Phi

0 answer

Are policies automatically void if the politicians who enacted them were serving unlawfully?

Suppose that country X has law Y. A politician introduces bill Z, which is then voted on by the legislature. The legislature approves the bill by a 51 to 50...

Asked on 11/04/2020

1 answer

Does the ADA prevent private entities from asking customers if they have a disability?

Some people have claimed that if a potential customer without a mask attempts to enter a privately owned store/business, then the Americans with Disabilities Act makes it...

Asked on 10/23/2020 by Matthew Cline

1 answer

Is it illegal for someone in the USA to access Sci-Hub?

Sci-Hub self-describes as "the first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers". A Russian researcher posted most...

Asked on 10/04/2020 by Dronz

1 answer

What types of contracts (that do not create a duty of care) can make legal actions criminal?

A few questions (mostly about copyright) have me wondering if it's possible to enter into a legal contract which would make an action criminal when the same action would be...

Asked on 10/04/2020

1 answer

OECD model tax convention: changing residence mid-month

OECD model tax convention and its commentary serves as a basis for many Double Taxation Agreements between European countries. How, typically, is a person...

Asked on 10/02/2020 by sygi

1 answer

Has the United States ever agreed to extradite anyone to any of the EU nations for a procedural crime?

Has there ever been a case of an attempt to extradite a US citizen to any of the EU states?I don't necessarily mean a procedural crime (like lying to...

Asked on 09/21/2020 by grovkin

1 answer

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