Show datapoints in WGS84 EPSG4326 on basemap with Pseudo-Mercator Projection

Geographic Information Systems Asked by MMartin on August 30, 2021

I want to show datapoints in WGS84 EPSG 4326 on one of the basemaps of QGIS, which (as far as I know) come with a Pseudo-Mercator Projection EPSG 3857. If I zoom in, the points are allocated correctly, but if I zoom out (to see the whole globe) they shift. For my project, I have to see the points on their correct locations for the whole globe. I know that EPSG 4326 is in degrees and EPSG 3857 in meters, but is there a way to show the points without a shift even when zoomed to the whole globe?

Thanks for your helpupper image: correct points (see orange circle)lower image: shifted points (see orange circle); supposed to be on Iceland as well

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