Leaflet Geodata Marker clustering and intersection

Geographic Information Systems Asked on February 18, 2021

I’m having a problem with grouping(clustering) markers

I have a list geosjon features that I display as markers in the leaflet. And it looks like this:


These points are saved in my Database and are located on my Geoserver.

And when fetch them from DB I get it like this, then I loop over them and add them as markers.

const points = [
  { lat: 48.371768, lng: 16.723857 },
  { lat: 48.354206, lng: 16.703258 },
  { lat: 48.401474, lng: 16.727156 },
  { lat: 48.283497, lng: 16.545787 },
  { lat: 48.361275, lng: 16.699054 },
  { lat: 48.283497, lng: 16.545787 },

The problem that I’m having is that I have to summerize points on a within a specific radius and grouped(cluster) them automatically.

I have to expand points for some specific radius say 100 meters

Like in Turf js buffer option:

Like here:

enter image description here

And in Points where those circles intersect with each other, add an additional marker with those i already have

I have tried with Leaflet Clustering marker

But haven’t had any luck, markers are not displayed at all.

Here is my code so far:

var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
  maxClusterRadius: function (zoom) {
    return 10;

points.forEach((point) => {
  const location = { latlng: { lat: point, point: event.lng } };
  var marker = L.marker(location.latlng);

And that works fine but I would like to cluster points, by distance in meters instead of pixels like in maxClusterRadius

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