Getting the center and boundaries of cell of raster object in R

Geographic Information Systems Asked by Abel Melquiades Callejo on April 26, 2021

Raster visualization

visual representation of the raster file

Raster information

class      : RasterLayer 
dimensions : 81808, 37369, 3057083152  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.0001843661, 0.0001843661  (x, y)
extent     : 119.7351, 126.6247, 4.554176, 19.6368  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
source     : /path/to/raster.tif 
names      : raster 
values     : 0, 255  (min, max)

Information derived from R/RStudio


zoomed-in visual representation of the raster file
Above is the zoomed-in visualization of the same raster. Given some LatLng values with 7-to-8-decimal places (white marker), I think there should be a way to find the center and boundaries locations (black markers) of a certain cell/pixel.

I tried the functions cellFromXY() and xyFromCell() but got no luck because they were just returning the same values like so: <- raster( "/path/to/raster.tif" ) 
given.point <- c( 123.17987768 , 12.09548919 ) <- cellFromXY( , given.point )
benchmark.point <- xyFromCell( , )

Both the given.point and benchmark.point returned the same values and can not be used this way to get the center values. Which puts me to the question…

How to get the center and boundaries of a cell of a raster object using R?

2 Answers

You can calculate those yourself, something like this should work, since you have the coordinate of the cell.

f <- system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster")

r1 <- raster(f) 
nc = r1@ncols
nr = r1@nrows
d = r1@extent
point = c(15.5,20.3)
cellCol = colFromX(r1, 15.5)
cellRow = rowFromY(r1, 20.3)

xlen = d@xmax-d@xmin
ylen = d@ymax-d@ymin
cellXSize = xlen/d@xmax
cellYSize = ylen/d@ymax
XMinCoord = (cellCol-1)*cellXSize
YMinCoord = (ylen-(cellRow-1))*cellYSize
XMaxCoord = (cellCol)*cellXSize
YMaxCoord = (ylen-(cellRow))*cellYSize
bounds = c(XMinCoord,XMaxCoord,YMinCoord,YMaxCoord)
centerX = XMinCoord+(cellXSize*0.5)
centerY = YMinCoord-(cellYSize*0.5)
center = c(centerX,centerY)

points(x=15.5,y=20.3,col="white", bg = "white", pch=16 )
points(x=centerX,y=centerY,col="black", bg = "black", pch=16 )
points(x=XMinCoord,y=YMinCoord,col="black",  pch=22 )
points(x=XMinCoord,y=YMaxCoord,col="black",  pch=22 )
points(x=XMaxCoord,y=YMaxCoord,col="black",  pch=22 )
points(x=XMaxCoord,y=YMinCoord,col="black",  pch=22 )

enter image description here

Answered by Dror Bogin on April 26, 2021

Let's test your statement that your method doesn't work. First make a simple tiny raster: <- raster(matrix(1:12,3,4))

class      : RasterLayer 
dimensions : 3, 4, 12  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.25, 0.3333333  (x, y)
extent     : 0, 1, 0, 1  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs        : NA 
source     : memory
names      : layer 
values     : 1, 12  (min, max)

given.point <- c(0.2345, 0.4567) <- cellFromXY( , given.point )
benchmark.point <- xyFromCell( , )

and I see that the benchmark point is not the same as the given point:

> given.point
[1] 0.2345 0.4567
> benchmark.point
         x   y
[1,] 0.125 0.5

and if I plot them I can see it is doing it correctly:

enter image description here

So there seems to be nothing wrong with your method. You've not shown us the output values for your test point so we can't tell if you really don't get a difference or if you aren't seeing it because you aren't seeing enough decimal points or if your test point is actually on a cell centre.

Answered by Spacedman on April 26, 2021

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