Ethereum Asked by sweet archita on November 22, 2021
Im using blockchain technology for the first time, for a college project.
Im trying to run a smart contract from Github.
After debugging the errors shown while compiling the smart contract (in Powershell windows 10), Im now stuck with this error.
I tried searching for the answer on Google, but got no luck.
Im hoping that i get an answer here.
This is the smart contract that im compiling on Powershell:
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
contract ManagingOrder{
address public owner;
uint256 count;
uint256 parkingCount;
string order_list;
uint256 order_number;
string public result;
//order table to maintain details of the order
struct Order {
uint256 orderNumber;
address buyer;
address seller;
uint256 parkingNumber;
State state;
string new_hour;
uint256 cost;
uint date;
//parking table to maintain the details of the seller
struct Parking {
uint256 parkingNumber;
address seller;
string name;
string phoneNumber;
string postal_code;
string avail_hour;
string park_address;
//buyer table to maintain the details of the buyer
struct Buyer{
string name;
string phoneNumber;
//mapping to an index
mapping(uint => Order) private ordersMap;
mapping(uint => Parking) private parkingsMap;
mapping(address => uint256) balancesMap;
mapping(address => Buyer) private buyersMap;
//using enum for the state of the order
enum State { Created, Pending, Completed, Aborted }
//construct function
function ManageOrder() public{
owner = msg.sender;
count = 0;
//modifier checks whether the message sender is the buyer
modifier onlyBuyer(uint256 order_no) {
require(msg.sender == ordersMap[order_no].buyer);
//modifier checks whether the message sender is the seller
modifier onlySeller(uint256 order_no) {
require(msg.sender == ordersMap[order_no].seller);
//modifier checks the order state
modifier inState(State _state, uint256 order_no) {
require(ordersMap[order_no].state == _state);
//modifier checks if there is enough balance with the message sender
modifier isMoney(uint _cost){
//modifier checks if the seller entry exists in the parking table or not
modifier isSeller(uint parkingNumber){
//sha3(...) returns (bytes32)
function depositEther(uint _value) public returns (bool success){
return false;}
return true;
//create or modify a parking data in the parking table
function newParking(string memory _name, string memory _phoneNumber, string memory _postal_code, string memory _park_address) public {
bool parking_exists = false;
uint parking_number;
for(uint i=1; i<=parkingCount; i++){
if (parkingsMap[parkingCount].seller == msg.sender){
parking_exists = true;
parking_number = parkingCount;
struct ManagingOrder.Parking memory new_Parking = Parking({
phoneNumber: _phoneNumber,
//map into the parkingsMap map
parkingsMap[parkingCount] = new_Parking;
parkingsMap[parking_number].name = _name;
parkingsMap[parking_number].phoneNumber = _phoneNumber;
parkingsMap[parking_number].postal_code = _postal_code;
parkingsMap[parking_number].park_address= _park_address;
//create or modify a buyer data in the order table
function newBuyer(string memory _name, string memory _phoneNumber) public{
//check if the buyer data exists in the parking table
struct ManagingOrder.Buyer memory new_Buyer = Buyer({
buyersMap[msg.sender] = new_Buyer;
buyersMap[msg.sender].name = _name;
//create an order
function newOrder(uint256 _parkingNumber, uint256 _cost, string memory _avail_hour, string memory _new_hour) public
//modifier added
count = count+1;
struct ManagingOrder.Order memory new_Order = Order({
orderNumber: count,
parkingNumber: _parkingNumber,
buyer: msg.sender,
state: State.Created,
ordersMap[count] = new_Order;
parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].avail_hour = _avail_hour;
balancesMap[ordersMap[count].buyer] -= _cost;
ordersMap[count].state = State.Pending;
//check the parking lot information in the parking table
function checkParking(uint _parkingNumber) public returns (string memory _hour){
result = concatFourStrings(concatThreeStrings(parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].name, parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].phoneNumber, parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].postal_code), parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].avail_hour, parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].park_address, "");
return result;
//check the buyer information
function checkBuyer() public view returns (string memory) {
result = concatThreeStrings(buyersMap[msg.sender].name,buyersMap[msg.sender].phoneNumber,"");
return result;
//return the parking information
function numberParking() public view returns (string memory){
for(uint i=1; i<=parkingCount; i++){
if (parkingsMap[parkingCount].seller == msg.sender){
result = concatFourStrings(concatThreeStrings(parkingsMap[parkingCount].name, parkingsMap[parkingCount].phoneNumber, parkingsMap[parkingCount].postal_code), parkingsMap[parkingCount].avail_hour, parkingsMap[parkingCount].park_address,uintToString(parkingCount));
return result;
//for sellers to modify the parking information; mark available time slots
function manageParking(uint256 _parkingNumber, string memory _avail_hour) public
if(parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].seller == msg.sender)
parkingsMap[_parkingNumber].avail_hour= _avail_hour;
//to check the order history
function orderList() public returns (string memory) {
uint256 display_number = 0;
string[4] memory sub_result ;
for(uint256 i=0; i<count+1; i++){
if (((ordersMap[i].buyer==msg.sender)||(ordersMap[i].seller==msg.sender))&&((ordersMap[i].state!=State.Completed)&&(ordersMap[i].state!=State.Aborted))&&(display_number<4)){
string memory _a = uintToString(ordersMap[i].orderNumber);
string memory _b = uintToString(ordersMap[i].parkingNumber);
string memory _c = enumToString(ordersMap[i].state);
string memory _d = uintToString(ordersMap[i].cost);
string memory _e = uintToString(ordersMap[i].date);
//string memory _b =
//bytes32 data = bytes32(123456789);
//result = uintToString(123456789123456789);
sub_result[display_number] = concatFourStrings(concatThreeStrings(_a,_b,_c),_d,_e,ordersMap[i].new_hour);
//result = sub_result[display_number-1];
//ordersMap are concated in to one string and returned to the client
result = ordersMapConcat(sub_result[0],sub_result[1],sub_result[2],sub_result[3],"");
return result;
//concat three strings to one
function concatThreeStrings(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c) internal returns (string memory){
bytes memory _bytes_a = bytes(_a);
bytes memory _bytes_b = bytes(_b);
bytes memory _bytes_c = bytes(_c);
string memory abc = new string(_bytes_a.length + _bytes_b.length + _bytes_c.length + 3);
bytes memory babc = bytes(abc);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_a.length; i++) babc[k++] = _bytes_a[i];
babc[k++] = "*";
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_b.length; i++) babc[k++] = _bytes_b[i];
babc[k++] = "*";
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_c.length; i++) babc[k++] = _bytes_c[i];
return string(babc);
//concat four strings into one
function concatFourStrings(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d) internal returns (string memory){
bytes memory _bytes_a = bytes(_a);
bytes memory _bytes_b = bytes(_b);
bytes memory _bytes_c = bytes(_c);
bytes memory _bytes_d = bytes(_d);
string memory abcd = new string(_bytes_a.length + _bytes_b.length + _bytes_c.length + _bytes_d.length + 4);
bytes memory babcd = bytes(abcd);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_a.length; i++) babcd[k++] = _bytes_a[i];
babcd[k++] = "*";
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_b.length; i++) babcd[k++] = _bytes_b[i];
babcd[k++] = "*";
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_c.length; i++) babcd[k++] = _bytes_c[i];
babcd[k++] = "*";
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_d.length; i++) babcd[k++] = _bytes_d[i];
babcd[k++] = "%";
return string(babcd);
//concat the order together into a string
function ordersMapConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d, string memory _e) internal returns (string memory){
bytes memory _bytes_a = bytes(_a);
bytes memory _bytes_b = bytes(_b);
bytes memory _bytes_c = bytes(_c);
bytes memory _bytes_d = bytes(_d);
bytes memory _bytes_e = bytes(_e);
//calculate the string length
string memory abcde = new string(_bytes_a.length + _bytes_b.length + _bytes_c.length + _bytes_d.length + _bytes_e.length);
bytes memory babcde = bytes(abcde);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_a.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bytes_a[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_b.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bytes_b[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_c.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bytes_c[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_d.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bytes_d[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < _bytes_e.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bytes_e[i];
return string(babcde);
//for sellers and buyersMap to abort the order only when order state is pending
function abortOrder(uint256 order_no) public
address payable buyer = ordersMap[order_no].buyer;
address seller = ordersMap[order_no].seller;
ordersMap[order_no].state = State.Aborted;
//return 80% of the money to buyer
//20% of the money to the seller
else if(msg.sender==ordersMap[order_no].seller)
//if the sender is the seller, he needs to pay 20% of the parking fee to the buyer
ordersMap[order_no].state = State.Aborted;
//return the money to buyer
//only the buyer is able to confirm order
function confirmOrder(uint256 order_no) public
//change order state
ordersMap[order_no].state = State.Completed;
address seller = ordersMap[order_no].seller;
//send the money to the seller
balancesMap[ordersMap[order_no].seller] += ordersMap[order_no].cost;
//for buyersMap and sellers to make payment
function () external payable {
//get the result
function uintto() public view returns (string memory){
return result;
//convert the uint type to string
function uintToString(uint v) public view returns (string memory str) {
uint maxlength = 100;
bytes memory reversed = new bytes(maxlength);
uint i = 0;
while (v != 0) {
uint remainder = v % 10;
v = v / 10;
reversed[i++] = byte(48 + remainder);
bytes memory s = new bytes(i + 1);
for (uint j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
s[j] = reversed[i - j];
str = string(s);
//convert enum to string
function enumToString(State _state) public view returns (string memory str){
uint256 _temp;
_temp = 1;
}else if(_state==State.Pending){
_temp = 2;
}else if(_state==State.Completed){
_temp = 3;
}else {
_temp = 4;
str = uintToString(_temp);
//convert address to string
function addressToString(address x) public returns (string memory) {
bytes memory b = new bytes(20);
for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++)
b[i] = byte(uint8(uint(x) / (2**(8*(19 - i)))));
return string(b);
Im shown this error every time i try compiling it by truffle compile
ManagingOrder.sol:108:5: ParserError: Expected primary expression.
struct ManagingOrder.Parking memory new_Parking = Parking({
Im looking for a quick response.
Kindly help me out with this, thank you in advance.
Change every occurrence of struct ManagingOrder.x
to x
Answered by goodvibration on November 22, 2021
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