English Language & Usage Asked by VH-NZZ on February 19, 2021
We currently have two roles for our project, namely:
but I’m not really satisfied with worker. What do you usually call someone who works on a project within a team?
You might consider Contributor if Team Member isn't working for you.
Correct answer by Polymath on February 19, 2021
"Team member" is far and away the most commonly used term in business for what you are suggesting.
(See as a reference books by any well-known business leader, such as Stephen R. Covey, and you will notice the commonality of the term, implying that its meaning is widely understood.)
Answered by teepee on February 19, 2021
A project would have:
If you are against using 'team member' as a designation, I think the above terms should suffice as a clear, simple way to suggest hierarchy while denoting each person's interest in and commitment toward the project.
Other alternatives:
These are all good terms to denote, as you say, a 'stakeholder's' position in a project.
If you wanted a more-casual, less-formal term, you could try coining one yourself (tailor-made for your particular project) and it should work just fine - Example: Project Mates
Answered by Kavkasa on February 19, 2021
What about "delegate"?
Does that work?
Delegate noun
delegate; plural noun: delegates
- a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference.
"congress delegates rejected the proposals"
Synonyms: representative, envoy, emissary, commissioner, agent, deputy, commissary; spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman; ambassador, plenipotentiary; messenger, go-between, proxy; depute; nuncio; archaiclegate
"delegates from the UN"
- a member of a committee
delegate; 3rd person present: delegates; past tense: delegated; past participle: delegated; gerund or present participle: delegating
- entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
"she must delegate duties so as to free herself for more important tasks"
Synonyms: assign, entrust, give, pass on, hand on/over, turn over, consign, devolve, depute, transfer
Answered by Matty on February 19, 2021
It depends on the role of the members in the project.
Answered by buttercup on February 19, 2021
Team member is the term typically used in projectized organizations unless they have an elevated level of authority. See, for example, this page from the Project Management Institute.
Answered by Spehro Pefhany on February 19, 2021
How about a "participant" or a "consulted".
Answered by Stacky on February 19, 2021
Personnel: "1. persons employed in any work, enterprise, service, establishment, etc. see also materiel"
Answered by k29 on February 19, 2021
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