The equivalent adjective for the noun "dive"

English Language & Usage Asked on February 11, 2021

As you know a restaurant, hotel, bar, or place for entertainment or social activities that is unpleasant because of the condition of the building or the type of people that go there is called "dive" in informal English!

Example: The place is a real dive, but the drinks are cheap and the food’s great.

I need to know whether there is an adjectival equivalent for the noun "dive" in this sense in English.

I would call it a "low-class place" or "not classy place", but I have no idea if they sound idiomatic to you too.

I.e. I wonder what word can be used in the following sentence?

That was a/an …………… place, but the drinks are cheap and the food’s great.


I think the safest way to convey my exact intention to the listener would be using "dive" in a noun form and just say:

"this place / restaurant etc. is a (real) dive".

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