English Language & Usage Asked on February 14, 2021
I’ve seen a new word to me in an interview. To purvey.
Well I understand the meaning. But what’s the distinction then between provide and purvey?
This question seems to be not popular, as I haven’t been able to find anything.
The original sentence says, "What is the audience experiencing in purveying the work that actors present?"
I hope someone will enlighten me about the difference of the meaning.
Well in many cases purvey has more a connotation of selling, or seeking to desseminate. But it's use in this sentence makes me wonder if it isn't being used in its historical obsolete sense of "foreseeing" or "preparing for" (see reference. I wonder if broader context world be helpful, because I don't understand what this sentence is trying to communicate.
Answered by Christopher on February 14, 2021
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