English Language & Usage Asked on June 4, 2021
I hadn’t played basketball for a long time until two days ago.
Does the above sentence mean: "I played basketball two days ago; I hadn’t played for a long time."? Or does it mean: "Two days ago I played basketball for a long time. Before that, I had only played for short periods of time."? Thanks.
I take the meaning to be your first ("I played basketball two days ago; I hadn't played for a long time."). In order to mean the second, it would need to be rendered something like:
I had never played basketball for very long at a time until two days ago.
However, having said that, the original sentence would be clearer by beginning with the prepositional phrase in order to emphasize it, like this:
Until two days ago, I hadn't played basketball for [or in] a long time.
Answered by RobJarvis on June 4, 2021
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