Finding the right word for a process

English Language & Usage Asked by Daniel Netzer on February 10, 2021

How would one say that he did the same thing (e.g. making the same dish) but in different ways in a single word?

a more elaborated example would be, I used different technologies to achieve the same goal/result.


i’ll add another example because I feel like you misunderstood me.
someone built a program (computer software) and implemented it in all sorts of different frameworks, he called the website that show this process “custom-elements-everywhere”.

I built the same program using different frameworks (as a wrapper to ease the process of creating it) and implemented it in a single framework, therefor my website name should be “custom-element-“.

5 Answers

Answered by hbtpoprock on February 10, 2021

You could say that the person consistently employed creative methods to achieve the goal.

In this sense, creative is used to refer to the fact that the person was being imaginative in their choice of methods to employ.

Answered by John Go-Soco on February 10, 2021

Maybe "alternative" recipe/method/procedure?

However be aware of wording it in a way that doesn't sound like euphemism the way "alternative facts" does.

Answered by M i ech on February 10, 2021

Use the words methodologies or techniques to accomplish the same end result.

Answered by user22542 on February 10, 2021

Professor Wong was able to synthesize ultrasucrose in an atmosphere of evaporated lithium. His feat was soon replicated using copper, hydrogen, and a mild infusion of wild rosemary, the latter being found by students in Athens who started from a matrix of honey, as opposed to the usual thin film of invert sugar on a glass substrate.

Answered by Global Charm on February 10, 2021

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