'Edge of time' meaning of phrase

English Language & Usage Asked on May 13, 2021

What is the meaning of at the edge of time in the following sentence?

At times they spent hours chatting in the office, while the house seemed suspended at the edge of time.

3 Answers

They were lost in their own world and time itself was irrelevant

Answered by Third News on May 13, 2021


  • a line or border at which a surface terminates.

Here edge of time is used in a figurative way to refer to the far end of time suggesting that they were so immersed in their chatting in office that the house appeared to be as something very far away from their reality. The author is probably suggesting that they were so absorbed by their chat that they almost lost touch with they world.

Answered by user66974 on May 13, 2021

It's metaphorical, suggesting a place where time no longer flows.

Answered by Simon B on May 13, 2021

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