Difference between “combination of ” and “combination between”

English Language & Usage Asked by macio.Jun on June 23, 2021

I have read both two uses:

  1. The combinations of a, b and c, taken two at a time, are ab, bc, ac.

  2. We can not help but noticing a harmonious combination between classic and contemporary.

Are both uses interchangeable? Perhaps substitute combinations among for combinations of in the first sentence? Any idea is appreciated.

2 Answers

When two or more things are combined, it is a combination of them. You cannot have a combination 'between' or 'among.' 'Of' is the correct preposition to use.

Correct answer by Tony Balmforth on June 23, 2021

What Tony said. Here's the ngram enter image description here

Answered by Born2Smile on June 23, 2021

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