Conditional sentence using "were to"

English Language & Usage Asked by neks450 on April 19, 2021

The question I have is about conditional construction "were to have + past participle".
Let’s take an example:
"If she were to have failed the final test, she would have cried."

  1. My understanding of this sentence is that: She didn’t fail the test and it was extremely unlikely for her to fail.
    Is that correct?

  2. So, instead of using Third Conditional (Past Unreal Conditional) we can use "were to have + past participle" construction, for situations that were extremely unlikely, right?

If she had failed the final test, she would have cried.
(She didn’t fail)

If she were to have failed the final test, she would have cried.
(She didn’t fail and it was extremely unlikely to fail the test)

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