Quick navigation (with autocompletion) to an org heading

Emacs Asked on December 26, 2021

I have a file whose structure looks like this :

* Contacts
** John DOE
** Alicia PING
** Bob DELTA

I’d like to be able to :

  • quickly set up a link to, for instance, Alicia PING, from a different org file;

  • quickly navigate to Bob DELTA from anywhere in Emacs.

  • in both cases, be able to do this with autocompletion (because I might not remember John’s surname…)

How could I achieve this?

One Answer

I could not find a way to do this in the manual, so I programmed a solution in 3 steps:

  1. Retrieve the headings of the org file Although a very simple requirement, no function seems to do that in the manual, so here's mine:
(defun get-headers (org-filename)
  "Get the headers of the org-file located at <org-filename>"
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect org-filename)
    (let ((parsetree (org-element-parse-buffer 'headline))) 
      (org-element-map parsetree 'headline 
                   (lambda (hl) (org-element-property :title hl)))))) 

which you would call, for instance, with (get-headers "~/") :

("Contact" "John DOE" "Alicia PING" "Bob DELTA").

  1. Building from that, here's how to create a quick link to a contact, from an org-file:
(defun link-to-contact ()
"Quickly insert a link to one of the contacts in ~/, with autocompletion."
  (let ((contact 
     (completing-read "Link to contact: " (cdr (get-headers "~/")))))
    (insert (format "[[file:~/*%s][%s]]" contact contact))))
  1. And here's how to quickly go there:
(defun goto-contact ()
"Quickly navigate to a contact in ~/"
  (let ((contact 
     (completing-read "Go to contact: " (cdr (get-headers "~/")))))
    (pop-to-buffer (find-file-noselect "~/"))
    (search-forward (format "** %s" contact))))

Answered by kotchwane on December 26, 2021

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