What is a sliding-window convolutional neural network?

Data Science Asked on June 12, 2021

In the abstract of "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical
Image Segmentation", the authors mention a sliding-window convolutional neural network. I’ve found several other articles mentioning this but no clean definition of it. How is it different from regular convolutional networks/what does the term mean?

One Answer

Sliding window in this context is regarding what is given as input to the CNN. It is a sliding window of the input image. I have seen it being used in medical domain where the images are too large to fit into a network and reshaping them into smaller sizes doesn't help. So, a sliding window is done on the bigger image and the sliding window is fed into CNN for achieving whatever task you are trying to achieve.

Answered by Abhishek Verma on June 12, 2021

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