Code Review Asked by JimmyHu on January 21, 2021
I am trying to implement a monochromic image container with std::unique_ptr
The example usages
The example usages is as below.
int main()
auto test_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(100 * 100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++)
test_data[i] = 3;
auto test = DigitalImageProcessing::MonoImage(DigitalImageProcessing::MyImageSize(100, 100), test_data);
auto test2 = test++;
std::cout << test.Sum() << std::endl;
std::cout << test2.Sum() << std::endl;
return 0;
The experimental implementation
The contents in MyImageSize.h file:
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <execution>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace DigitalImageProcessing
template<class T = unsigned int>
class MyImageSize
T xsize;
T ysize;
MyImageSize(T new_xsize, T new_ysize)
this->xsize = new_xsize;
this->ysize = new_ysize;
T GetSizeX()
return this->xsize;
T GetSizeY()
return this->ysize;
void SetSizeX(T sizex)
this->xsize = sizex;
void SetSizeY(T sizey)
this->ysize = sizey;
The contents in MyImageSize.cpp file:
#include "IMAGESIZE.h"
The contents in MonoPixelOperation.h file:
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <execution>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
#include <omp.h>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace DigitalImageProcessing
class MonoPixelOperation
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, unsigned int value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, signed int value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, long double value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, long double value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::shared_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static unsigned char GetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel);
static void SetMonoPixelValueToZero(unsigned char *input_pixel);
const static unsigned char PixelMAXValue = 255;
const static unsigned char PixelMINValue = 0;
template<class T>
static unsigned char TruncatePixelValue(T value)
if (value > PixelMAXValue)
return PixelMAXValue;
else if (value < PixelMINValue)
return PixelMINValue;
return static_cast<unsigned char>(value);
The contents in MonoPixelOperation.cpp file:
#include "MonoPixelOperation.h"
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char * input_pixel, unsigned char value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char * input_pixel, unsigned int value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char * input_pixel, signed int value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char * input_pixel, long double value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, long double value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(std::shared_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value)
*input_pixel = TruncatePixelValue(value);
unsigned char DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char * input_pixel)
return *input_pixel;
void DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValueToZero(unsigned char * input_pixel)
*input_pixel = 0;
The contents in MonoImage.h file:
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <execution>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
#include <omp.h>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "ImageSize.h"
#include "MonoPixelOperation.h"
namespace DigitalImageProcessing
template<class SizeT = unsigned int>
class MonoImage
constexpr auto GetimageSizeX()
return image_size.xsize;
constexpr auto GetimageSizeY()
return this->image_size.ysize;
constexpr auto GetimageSize()
return this->image_size;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> GetImageData()
auto output = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(image_size.xsize * image_size.ysize);
if (image_data == NULL)
std::printf("Memory allocation error!");
throw std::logic_error("Memory allocation error!");
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.xsize; x++)
DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output[y * image_size.xsize + x],
DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x]));
return output;
MonoImage& operator=(MonoImage const& input) // Copy Assign
this->image_size.xsize = input.image_size.xsize;
this->image_size.ysize = input.image_size.ysize;
this->image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(image_size.xsize * image_size.ysize);
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input.image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x]));
return *this;
MonoImage& operator=(MonoImage&& other) // Move Assign
image_size = std::move(other.image_size);
image_data = std::move(other.image_data);
return *this;
MonoImage& operator+=(const MonoImage& rhs)
if (rhs.image_size.xsize == this->image_size.xsize &&
rhs.image_size.ysize == this->image_size.ysize)
auto output = MonoImage(rhs.image_size.xsize, rhs.image_size.ysize);
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y* image_size.xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&image_data[(y)*(image_size.xsize) + (x)]) +
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&rhs.image_data[(y) * (image_size.xsize) + (x)])
return output;
MonoImage& operator++()
return *this;
/* This operator is used as
MonoImage MonoImage1(100, 100);
MonoImage MonoImage2(100, 100);
MonoImage2 = MonoImage1++;
MonoImage operator++(int)
auto output = MonoImage(this->image_size.GetSizeX(), this->image_size.GetSizeY());
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y* image_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y)*(image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)])
for (SizeT y = 0; y< image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x< image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y) * (image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)]) + 1
return output;
MonoImage& operator--()
return *this;
MonoImage operator--(int)
auto output = MonoImage(this->image_size.xsize, this->image_size.ysize);
for (SizeT y = 0; y< image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x< image_size.xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y* image_size.xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y)*(image_size.xsize) + (x)]) - 1
return output;
friend bool operator==(const MonoImage& input1, const MonoImage& input2)
if (input1.image_size != input2.image_size)
return false;
for (SizeT y = 0; y < input1.image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < input1.image_size.xsize; x++)
if (MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input1.image_data[y * input1.image_size.xsize + x]) -
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input2.image_data[y * input2.image_size.xsize + x]) != 0)
return false;
return true;
friend bool operator!=(const MonoImage& input1, const MonoImage& input2)
return !(input1 == input2);
MonoImage Difference(const MonoImage& input)
auto output = MonoImage(this->image_size.xsize, this->image_size.ysize);
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input.image_data[(y) * (image_size.xsize) + (x)]) -
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y) * (image_size.xsize) + (x)])
return output;
constexpr auto Subtract(const MonoImage& input)
auto output = MonoImage<SizeT>(this->image_size.GetSizeX(), this->image_size.GetSizeY());
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input.image_data[(y) * (image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)]) -
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y) * (image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)])
return output;
constexpr auto Sum()
unsigned long long int ReturnValue = 0;
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
ReturnValue += MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y) * (image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)]);
return ReturnValue;
MonoImage(const MonoImage<SizeT> &input)
: image_size(input.image_size)
if (input.image_size.xsize == 0 || input.image_size.ysize == 0)
image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(image_size.xsize * image_size.ysize);
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input.image_data[y * image_size.xsize + x]));
/* Move Constructor
MonoImage(MonoImage &&input) : image_size(input.image_size), image_data(std::move(input.image_data))
MonoImage(DigitalImageProcessing::MyImageSize<SizeT> input_size)
: image_size(input_size)
this->image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(this->image_size.GetSizeX() * this->image_size.GetSizeY());
if (this->image_data == NULL)
printf("Memory allocation error!");
throw std::logic_error("Memory allocation error!");
MonoImage(DigitalImageProcessing::MyImageSize<SizeT> input_size, const std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>& input_image_data)
: image_size(input_size)
this->image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(this->image_size.GetSizeX() * this->image_size.GetSizeY());
if (this->image_data == NULL)
printf("Memory allocation error!");
throw std::logic_error("Memory allocation error!");
for (SizeT y = 0; y < input_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < input_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[y * input_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input_image_data[y * input_size.GetSizeX() + x]));
template<class T1, class T2>
MonoImage(const T1& xsize, const T2& ysize)
: image_size(MyImageSize<SizeT>(static_cast<SizeT>(xsize), static_cast<SizeT>(ysize)))
this->image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(xsize * ysize);
if (this->image_data == NULL)
std::printf("Memory allocation error!");
throw std::logic_error("Memory allocation error!");
template<class T1, class T2>
MonoImage(const SizeT& xsize, const SizeT& ysize, const std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>& input_image_data)
: image_size(MyImageSize<SizeT>(static_cast<SizeT>(xsize), static_cast<SizeT>(ysize)))
this->image_data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(xsize * ysize);
if (this->image_data == NULL)
printf("Memory allocation error!");
throw std::logic_error("Memory allocation error!");
for (SizeT y = 0; y < ysize; y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < xsize; x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[y * xsize + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&input_image_data[y * xsize + x]));
MyImageSize<SizeT> image_size;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> image_data;
void SetImageDataToBlack()
for (SizeT y = 0; y < this->image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < this->image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
DigitalImageProcessing::MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValueToZero(&image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x]);
void SetImageDataToWhite()
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x], 255);
void SetImageDataToSpecificValue(const unsigned char input_value)
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x], input_value);
#endif // !MONOIMAGE
The contents in MonoImage.cpp file:
#include "MonoImage.h"
If there is any possible improvement about:
Performance: including data accessing/updating speed things
The naming and readability
Potential drawbacks of the implemented member functions
, please let me know.
only the headers you need where you need them. MyImageSize.h
needs no includes. MonoPixelOperation.h
needs only <memory>
template<class T = unsigned int>
class MyImageSize
T xsize;
T ysize;
MyImageSize(T new_xsize, T new_ysize)
this->xsize = new_xsize;
this->ysize = new_ysize;
T GetSizeX()
return this->xsize;
T GetSizeY()
return this->ysize;
void SetSizeX(T sizex)
this->xsize = sizex;
void SetSizeY(T sizey)
this->ysize = sizey;
We could replace this whole thing with:
template<class T = unsigned int>
struct MyImageSize
T xsize;
T ysize;
Only the constructor provides extra functionality (ensuring the variables are initialized), but that's arguably unnecessary too.
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, unsigned int value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, signed int value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel, long double value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::unique_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, long double value);
static void SetMonoPixelValue(std::shared_ptr<unsigned char> input_pixel, unsigned char value);
static unsigned char GetMonoPixelValue(unsigned char *input_pixel);
static void SetMonoPixelValueToZero(unsigned char *input_pixel);
This is kinda silly...
is an output for most of these.nullptr
wouldn't work).Set
function that takes the correct type (the same as the pixel type)?std::clamp
for clamping.Compare:
pixel = std::clamp(value, min, max);
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&pixel, value);
I don't think there's much point in templating the SizeT
of the image, rather than just using std::size_t
for the index type.
Consider templating the pixel type instead, so we don't need a separate MonoImage
and RGBImage
; we could use an Image<unsigned char>
or Image<Vec3>
MonoImage& operator+=(const MonoImage& rhs)
if (rhs.image_size.xsize == this->image_size.xsize &&
rhs.image_size.ysize == this->image_size.ysize)
return output;
So if the sizes aren't the same, we... err... don't return anything? I'm surprised that compiles. If you aren't getting a compiler warning about that, you need to turn up the compiler warning level (and set warnings to errors).
MonoImage& operator++()
return *this;
// TODO: implement me? ;)
MonoImage operator++(int)
auto output = MonoImage(this->image_size.GetSizeX(), this->image_size.GetSizeY());
for (SizeT y = 0; y < image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x < image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&output.image_data[y* image_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y)*(image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)])
for (SizeT y = 0; y< image_size.GetSizeY(); y++)
for (SizeT x = 0; x< image_size.GetSizeX(); x++)
MonoPixelOperation::SetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[y * image_size.GetSizeX() + x],
MonoPixelOperation::GetMonoPixelValue(&this->image_data[(y) * (image_size.GetSizeX()) + (x)]) + 1
return output;
Or... we could just:
auto output = *this;
for (auto i = std::size_t{ 0 }; i != image_size.GetImageSize(); ++i)
provides a much cleaner and more useful interface than std::unique_ptr<[]>
for holding and manipulating the data.
struct ImageSize
std::size_t x, y;
template<class PixelT>
class Image
m_size(0, 0),
m_data() { }
Image(std::size_t width, std::size_t height, PixelT value = PixelT()):
m_size(width, height),
m_data(GetSize(), value) { }
// ... other std::vector-style constructors
Image(Image const&) = default; // woo!
Image& operator=(Image const&) = default; // yay!
Image(Image&&) = default; // yaaaaaaaaas queen!
Image& operator=(Image&&) = default; // it's so easy!
std::vector<PixelT> CloneData() const { return m_data; } // copy the whole thing!
Image& operator++()
for (auto& v : m_data) // easy peasy...
return *this;
Image& operator+=(Image const& rhs)
if (m_size != rhs.m_size)
throw std::runtime_error("unequal image sizes in operator+=");
for (auto i = std::size_t{ 0 }; i != m_data.size(); ++i) // this is as hard as it gets
m_data[i] += rhs.m_data[i];
return *this;
// ...
ImageSize m_size;
std::vector<PixelT> m_data;
For the interface I'd suggest to:
Look at the std::vector
interface: constructors, indexed pixel access, iterators, range-based for loops etc. would all be useful. We can simply write a wrapper around the std::vector
implementations for this part of the interface (e.g. use std::vector<T>::iterator
Look at the basic mathematical operators: +, -, /, *, %, and the assignment versions and unary operators would all be useful. We can mainly apply the built-in operations to every pixel in the image (with a bit of bounds checking).
Other operations (e.g. Abs()
, Difference()
, Clamp()
etc.) can be implemented as free-functions instead of member functions. They can use the math / vector interfaces and should be a couple of lines of code each. e.g.:
template<class ImageT>
void Clamp(ImageT& image, typename ImageT::PixelT min, typename ImageT::PixelT max)
for (auto& p : image)
p = std::clamp(p, min, max);
Correct answer by user673679 on January 21, 2021
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