The ASCII character countdown!

Code Golf Asked on December 28, 2021

Since this is a challenge, you might want to sort answers by oldest.

Your task is simple: Choose any printable ASCII character that’s not chosen in the previous answers. And then, you need to print your chosen character in your program to standard output. (You can ONLY print your chosen character, without printing other garbage to STDOUT)

The catch

Let’s say you picked x as your chosen character, and your answer is the answer numbered y. You have to insert y x’s into the previous source code, at any position you like. For the first answer, the previous answer is the empty program.

An example

Answers have to start with the number 1. So for example, I chose the character #, and I posted a 1 byte answer in /// that prints the # mark.


And then, the second answer (numbered 2) has to insert 2 of their picked x character into the previous source code, such that the modified code will print their x character. So assume this is written in Keg:


And then, the third answer has to do the same, and so on, until 95 is reached.

Answer format

I’d love to see an explanation of your code as well, preferably with an online interpreter link!

# [{Language name}]({link-to-language}), {code-length} bytes

$y= {The number of your answer}$. Used so far: <code>{Characters used in answers so far}</code>

    {your code}

The winning criterion & other rules

  • The first user whose answer stays without a succeeding answer for a month wins the challenge. If that’s not satisfied, the first person who reaches the number 95 wins the challenge.
  • You are not allowed to put any other character in your code other than printable ASCII characters.
  • You need to wait 2 answers before you post a new answer after your submission.
  • Please make sure your answer is valid. If yours is not valid, chaining answers aren’t allowed to be posted.
  • You can answer in a language that is used in previous answers.
  • You could only insert y x‘s into the source code.
  • Your are not allowed to take input.
  • Your program can output to STDERR, as long as the output to STDOUT is as intended.

40 Answers

Trigger, 820 bytes

$y=40$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<AB _z. (I have restored , which disappeared from this string earlier in the thread.)

zzz_z_AAzB<<ddzdcccczccccc__z_cccccccczccccccccccccdc==d=b=b=b=`HH&_AAAAzAAAAA_AAAAzAAAA_AAAAAB&&a&_&a&a&&.&&&&z&&&&&z&&&&&z&&&&&&&aaaazaaaaaa__aaaazaaaaa__aaaaa..fffffzfffff.ffffzffffzffffff.88888.88888.88888.8888.88@.@@*@@@@@@@@7.%7*77%*7*77%z6AA__zAB66666%@x*78.8.87*7%*7*.7@7%6*@66666666.66555555b55HHbHHHHHHzHHHHHHHzHHHHHHHHHzHHHH555555444444%*@**4%4_4*4*444444xx@xx".==033333%3333z3333s;s/s@/9____z_____0*%35*s46#".9s99%%9%____90s9/_____"/j0s,.`AB`ABccdcAAzAAAAAB"`*0"#s,`#,22s01;"*'s"*;0;j/@x..xxxx"s;x@xx..,0;%#x";xxq__sj*j"0j%%jj'j,#"j%qs,q0q28/"%s@_//s;0;%;;0"s.77*7.========z================7777@xxxxxx@@..`````````z``````````````bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzbbbddddzddddddddddddddddzdddddddd<<<<<<z<<<<<<__<<<<<<<<<z<<<<<<<<<<<<zBBBBBBBBBBBBzBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                                      zzBzz

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The previous answer has stood unchallenged for three weeks so it's time to spoil the party. The first three characters really sum up how I feel about the inventiveness of the present submission. It's perfectly set up for a FizzBuzz finish, however.

Answered by Dingus on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 780 bytes

$y=39$. Used thus far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<AB _

__AAB<<dddccccccccc___ccccccccccccccccccccdc==d=b=b=b=`HH&_AAAAAAAAA_AAAAAAAA_AAAAAB&&a&_&a&a&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&aaaaaaaaaa__aaaaaaaaa__aaaaa..ffffffffff.ffffffffffffff.88888.88888.88888.8888.88@.@@*@@@@@@@@7.%7*77%*7*77%6AA__AB66666%@x*78.8.87*7%*7*.7@7%6*@66666666.66555555b55HHbHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH555555444444%*@**4%4_4*4*444444xx@xx".==033333%33333333s;s/s@/9_________0*%35*s46#".9s99%%9%____90s9/_____"/j0s,.`AB`ABccdcAAAAAAAB"`*0"#s,`#,22s01;"*'s"*;0;j/@x..xxxx"s;x@xx..,0;%#x";xxq__sj*j"0j%%jj'j,#"j%qs,q0q28/"%s@_//s;0;%;;0"s.77*7.========================7777@xxxxxx@@..```````````````````````bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd<<<<<<<<<<<<__<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                                      B

Try it online!

Answered by Daniel H. on December 28, 2021

Explode, 741 bytes

$y=38$. Used thus far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<AB (trailing space)

AAB<<dddcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccdc==d=b=b=b=`HH&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB&&a&&a&a&&.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..ffffffffff.ffffffffffffff.88888.88888.88888.8888.88@.@@*@@@@@@@@7.%7*77%*7*77%6AAAB66666%@x*78.8.87*7%*7*.7@7%6*@66666666.66555555b55HHbHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH555555444444%*@**4%44*4*444444xx@xx".==033333%33333333s;s/s@/90*%35*s46#".9s99%%9%90s9/"/j0s,.`AB`ABccdcAAAAAAAB"`*0"#s,`#,22s01;"*'s"*;0;j/@x..xxxx"s;x@xx..,0;%#x";xxqsj*j"0j%%jj'j,#"j%qs,q0q28/"%s@//s;0;%;;0"s.77*7.========================7777@xxxxxx@@..```````````````````````bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                                      B

Try it online.


I just went looking for some random languages that might work, to have something different than Keg and Trigger in the chain. I had never heard about Explode prior, but apparently the tape starts with the amount of spaces equal to the number of lines of the program; which is a single line, thus a single space in this case.
This tape is printed implicitly when the program terminates. Since the program (apparently) doesn't modify the tape in any way, this single space the tape started with is output as our result.

I might try to analyze what each character actually does in the program above, or try to use the language Explode for another challenge, but this will do for now.

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on December 28, 2021

Keg -rn, 703 bytes

$y=37$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<AB


Try it online!

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Keg, -rn, 666 bytes

$y=36$ , Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<A


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Yet another one. Just like the other one.

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

HTML, 630 bytes

$y = 35$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=cd<


Save as index.html and run with w3m -dump index.html, so it goes to stdout as expected.

<dd.... is an un-closed html tag, which rendered into nothing. So the first < character rendered as HTML content.

w3m is an old school browser which use text I/O to render HTML. As this question is requiring stdout output. I'm also surprised that w3m may successfully parse and render such a malformed HTML.

Answered by tsh on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 595 bytes

$y = 34$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=c


Try it online!

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Keg, -rn, 561 bytes

$y=33$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=c


Try it online!


Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 528 bytes

$y=32$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb=


Try it online!

Answered by snowball on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 496 bytes

$y=31$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&Hb


Try it online!

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Gol><>, 465 bytes

$y=30$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&H


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`   Push codepoint of next character:
 H  'H'
  H Halt, printing TOS as a character

Answered by user92069 on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 435 bytes

$y = 29$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`&


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It seriously looks like Trigger and Keg are the only viable choices now. The second-twelfth bytes do the magic; it jumps to the second ".", so I could hide my ampersands.

Also, it looks like the "used so far" bit is broken now.

Answered by snowball on December 28, 2021

Keg, -rn, 406 bytes

$y=28$, 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]`


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Hehe. I used the power of strings to essentially make those .s nops.

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 378 bytes

$y = 27$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*[email protected]


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Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 351 bytes

$y=26$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*x@f8.


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We're out of digits now, that should make things a little more interesting. I think we've made every language other than Trigger unusable at this point...

Answered by Daniel H. on December 28, 2021

Keg, -hr, 325 bytes

$y=25$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*x@f8


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(no explanation because I have no idea how Keg works)

Answered by Pizgenal Filegav on December 28, 2021

Keg, -hd, 300 bytes

$y=24$ Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*x@f


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Harder? It actually made it easier. @ starts a function in Keg, and because there aren't any closing ƒs (and there won't be because it ain't ascii), everything after the first @ is ignored. What a clanger!

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 276 bytes

$y=23$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*x@


Try it online!

Hopefully @ makes even more languages harder to use.... looking at you Befunge-98

Answered by Daniel H. on December 28, 2021

Befunge-98, 253 bytes

$y=22$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*x


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After running the part before the first x, the top of the stack is 6 0 (from the code 666%). Thus, the x instruction sets the program delta to (6, 0), meaning that the instruction pointer moves right 6 spaces every step. This skips over most of the remaining instructions, leaving %%66554*44"33s0s9/,,;*x",q0'j0%0"7x to be executed. %%66544*44 does some stack manipulation, "33s0s9/,,;*x" pushes the string x*;,,/9s0s33, and , prints the first character of that string, which is x. Finally, swaps the top two elements of the stack (which we don't care about) and q ends the program.

Answered by Pizgenal Filegav on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 231 bytes

$y=21$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7*


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This language is really weird. I got this working by pure luck after about an hour

Answered by AdamS on December 28, 2021

Octave, 210 bytes

$y=20$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%7


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Except for MATLAB/Octave, you mean?

Answered by user92069 on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 190 bytes

$y=19$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46%


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Here's hoping using % makes a lot of languages a lot harder to use

Answered by Daniel H. on December 28, 2021

Keg, - hr, 171 bytes

$y=18$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s46


Try it online!

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Keg -hr, 153 bytes

$y = 17$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s4


Try it online!

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Stax, 136 bytes

$y = 16$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35s


Try it online!

Answered by user92069 on December 28, 2021

Keg, -hr, 120 bytes

$y = 15$, Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"35


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Yeah, you can pretty much tell that I'm gonna do this a lot.

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Keg, -hr, 105 bytes

$y=14$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"3


Try it online! or Check it!

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Stax, 91 bytes

$y=13$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0"


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I know that OPs aren't intended to answer their own questions, but after seeing that nobody has the enthusiasm to add the quote character...

Answered by user92069 on December 28, 2021

Keg, -hr, 78 bytes

$y=12$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;0


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And this kids, is why we use languages where single digits auto push! This pushes a whole bunch of stuff, a 0, then prints the t.o.s using the -hr flag.

Answered by lyxal on December 28, 2021

Befunge-98 (FBBI), 66 bytes

$y=11$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j;


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; is the comment character in Befunge, and this program works by running ';,q with inapplicable parts commented out. Doesn't work in Pyfunge for reasons I can't figure out.

Answered by The Fifth Marshal on December 28, 2021

Trigger, 55 bytes

$y=10$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j


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This took a lot longer than I'm willing to admit...

Answered by Daniel H. on December 28, 2021

Befunge-98, 45 bytes

$y=9$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/j


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Mainly (ab)uses j to skip sections we don't want to execute.

//                                              # Divide twice (no-ops, as 0/0 is 0 in Befunge-98)
  9                                             # Push 9
   #9                                           # No-op (skipped by #)
     99999                                      # Push more 9s
          /                                     # Divide, results in 9/9 = 1
           /                                    # Divide, results in 9/1 = 9
            j                                   # Jump forward 9 instructions
             ,#,#,221'                          # (not executed)
                      j                         # Jump forward 9 instructions
                       /,#qjjjjj                # (not executed)
                                'j              # Push the character 'j'
                                  ,             # Print the character
                                   #j           # No-op
                                     q          # Quit program
                                      ,qq2///   # (not executed)

Answered by Pizgenal Filegav on December 28, 2021

2sable, 36 bytes


$y=8$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9/

Try it online.

Maybe this opens up some other languages that use // to comment. :)


2sable is an old version of 05AB1E (legacy) (which of itself is an old version of 05AB1E).

The legacy version outputs a leading newline however: try it online.
And the latest 05AB1E version outputs three leading newline: try it online.

//                                    # Divide twice, no-ops with an empty stack
  9                                   # Push 9
   #                                  # Pop and split it by spaces
                                      # (since it contains no spaces, it only pops)
    999999                            # Push 999999
          /                           # Divide the empty stack by this, popping the integer
           /                          # No-op divide again with an empty stack
            ,                         # No-op print (which would output a newline in the
                                      # newer versions)
             #,#,                     # Some more no-ops
                 221                  # Push 221
                    '/               '# Push "/"
                      ,               # Pop and print this "/" to STDOUT
                       #              # Split the 221 on spaces, so it just pops
                        q             # Exit the program
                         ',#q,qq2/// '# No-ops

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on December 28, 2021

R, 28 bytes


$y=7$. Used so far: 1'2q#,9

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Based on a combination of functions may output via their return values and the fact that R functions naturally output their return values to STDOUT (albeit with some prepended characters to indicate index of the outputed value), I hope that this is Ok.


9               # integer value 9; output by default
 #              # comment character; everything after this (on the same line) is ignored
                # not run

Big thank-you to Kevin Cruijssen for putting the # character at the beginning of answer #5, which (as he suspected) was critical to make this answer work!

Answered by Dominic van Essen on December 28, 2021

Befunge-98, 21 bytes


$y=6$. Used so far: 1'2q#,

Try it online!

#                         # Skip the next instruction
 ,                        # (skipped)
  #,                      # (skipped)
    #,                    # (skipped)
      221                 # Push 2, 2, 1 onto the stack
         ',               # Push character ','
           #q             # (skipped by #)
             ',           # Push character ','
               #q         # (skipped)
                 ,        # Output character
                  q       # Quit program
                   q2     # (not executed)

Answered by Pizgenal Filegav on December 28, 2021

05AB1E, 15 bytes


$y=5$. Used thus far: 1'2q#

Try it online.

Maybe this opens up some other languages that use # to comment. :)


###              # Split by spaces three times (no-ops without input)
   221           # Push integer 221
      '#        '# Push character "#"
        q        # Stop the program
                 # (after which the top of the stack is output implicitly as result)
         '#qqq2 '# No-ops

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on December 28, 2021

05AB1E, 10 bytes

$y=4$. Used so far: 1'2q


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221         # push 221 to the stack 
   'q'q     # push character q (twice for good measure)
       q    # quit; implicitly print top-of-stack q
        q2  # no-ops

Answered by Dingus on December 28, 2021

Japt, 6 bytes

$y=3$ Used so far: 1'2


Test it


The code is transpiled to 221, "'", 2 and Japt only implicitly prints the last expression so outputs 2

Answered by Mukundan314 on December 28, 2021

Polyglot, 3 bytes


$y=2$. Used thus far: 1'.

This works in a bunch of stack-based languages, which basically all do the following:

1    # Push a 1 to the stack
 ''  # Push the string "'" to the stack
     # (output the top of the stack implicitly as result)

Try it online in ,,,.
Try it online in 05AB1E.
Try it online in Japt.

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on December 28, 2021

///, 1 byte

$y=1$ Used so far: 1


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Just to start things off.


1     # since this isn't a / or , the character is simply printed and removed.  
      # no characters left so the program terminates.

Answered by Noodle9 on December 28, 2021

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