Pi to the power y, for small y's

Code Golf Asked by user9207 on October 4, 2020


This task takes no input.


Your code should compute and print (or return)
$pi^y$ for all $y = frac11, frac12, frac13, frac14, frac15, frac16, frac17, frac18, frac19, frac1{10}, frac1{11}, frac1{12}$. The first 20 digits of the output (truncated and without any rounding) should be correct in each case.

Here are the answers:


22 Answers

Perl 5, 72 bytes

$n=1;print substr(Math::BigFloat->bpi()**(1/$n++),0,21).$/ while($n<13);

Even using $pi$ from BigFloat, it doesn't seem to exactly match the given outputs. I'm sure it's truncated properly, though.

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Answered by Razetime on October 4, 2020

Fortran (GFortran), 48 bytes


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Just an implicit loop with quad-precision vars. Not transferable, but works with GCC.

Answered by DeathIncarnate on October 4, 2020

C (gcc) with libquadmath, 107

  • 2 bytes saved thanks to @ceilingcat.

This uses __float128 to get the required precision.


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I was curious to try this using the GNU MPFR library too:

C (gcc) with libmpfr, 123

  • 13 bytes saved thanks to @ceilingcat.

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Answered by Digital Trauma on October 4, 2020

R + Rmpfr, 80 bytes

Requires package Rmpfr.

mpfr("1.00000000238982476721842284052415179434",30 *log2(10))^(479001600/(1:12))

Gives the following, with truncations mine and some minor formatting

12 'mpfr' numbers of precision  99   bits 

See below for why simpler versions don't work. Direct calculation using exponents 1/N for N=1,12 returned inaccurate value fairly early. I figured that was probably due to R or Rmpfr rounding 1/3 early, so whole number exponents would be preferred. So I calculated pi^(12!) (12!=479001600) using Mathematica, then raised it to the power of 12!/N, which would always be a whole number. I had to further tune it by passing the number to Rmpfr as a character vector (so R wouldn't round it), and by using an arbitrarily high precision in both Mathematica and Rmpfr so it would truncate accurately. Because of those arbitrary additions, I can probably shave off a few bytes, but I'm good with it as is.

R, 29 bytes

This only works if R value for pi is accurate, which it isn't. Even reassigning the variable pi to a more accurate representation does not improve accuracy, as it rounds or something around 17 decimals.


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Or, for 30 bytes


There's a package that gives a more accurate value for pi and other floating point numbers, Rmpfr, which you'll find referenced in questions about pi in R. One might expect the following to give the desired output.

Const("pi",20 *log2(10))^(1/1:12)

It doesn't. It gives

12 'mpfr' numbers of precision  66   bits   
[1] 3.1415926535897932385  1.7724538509055160273  1.464591887561523232
[4] 1.3313353638003897128 1.2572741156691850754 1.2102032422537642632
[7]  1.177664030023197386 1.1538350678499894305 1.1356352767378998604
[10] 1.1212823532318633058 1.1096740829646979353 1.1000923789635869772

This is wrong on all counts by rounding or being a few off in the last digits (sidenote: the rnd.mode flag for mpfr does not fix this). Now one might think if we went up to many digits (say 100), then it would surely be correct to the first 20 digits. Nope

12 'mpfr' numbers of precision  332   bits 
 [1] 3.1415926535897932384...
 [2] 1.7724538509055160272...
 [3] 1.4645918875615232319...
 [4] 1.3313353638003897127...
 [5] 1.2572741156691850753...
 [6] 1.2102032422537642631...
 [7] 1.1776640300231973859...
 [8] 1.1538350678499894305...
 [9] 1.1356352767378998603...
[10] 1.1212823532318633058...
[11] 1.1096740829646979353...
[12] 1.1000923789635869771...

(Truncations mine). These don't all match OP or the other responses.

Answered by John on October 4, 2020

C (gcc -lm), 171 131 122 bytes

Shaved off 40 49 bytes thanks to ceilingcat.

i;p(){for(;i<12;)printf("%.14f%d ",pow(acos(~fesetround(1024)),1./++i),L"纀罶?얡꜇???胛??"[i]);}

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3.1415926535897932384 1.7724538509055160272 1.4645918875615232630 1.3313353638003897127 1.2572741156691850593 1.2102032422537642759 1.1776640300231973966 1.1538350678499894305 1.1356352767378998683 1.1212823532318632987 1.1096740829646979321 1.1000923789635869829

Answered by S.S. Anne on October 4, 2020

Octave, 23 bytes


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Declares a variable precision arithmetic (VPA) pi. Octave then cleverly infers that the double constant pi actually means pi, not whatever the double constant contains.

Answered by Sanchises on October 4, 2020

Java 10, 316 299 268 259 bytes

v->Math.PI+"2384 1.7724538509055160272 1.4645918875615232630 1.3313353638003897127 1.2572741156691850593 1.2102032422537642759 1.1776640300231973966 1.1538350678499894305 1.1356352767378998683 1.1212823532318632987 1.1096740829646979321 1.1000923789635869829"

-40 bytes by just hard-coding the output instead of calculating it.. >.>
-9 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat.

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Old 299 291 bytes answer with actual calculations..

v->{var P=new java.math.BigDecimal(Math.PI+"2384");var x=P;for(int i=0;++i<13;System.out.println(x)){var p=P;for(x=P.divide(P.valueOf(i),21,5);x.subtract(p).abs().compareTo(P.ONE.movePointLeft(22))>0;)x=P.valueOf(i-1).multiply(p=x).add(P.divide(x.pow(i-1),21,5)).divide(P.valueOf(i),21,5);}}

Not entirely precise, but good enough to have the first 20 digits correct.

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Most bytes come from the fact that BigDecimal doesn't have a builtin for BigDecimal.pow(BigDecimal) nor the $n$th root, so we'll have to calculate this manually..

v->{                         // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type
  var P=new java.math.BigDecimal(Math.PI+"2384");
                             //  Create a BigDecimal for PI
  var x=P;                   //  Create a BigDecimal to print after every iteration
  for(int i=0;++i<13;        //  Loop `i` in the range [1,12]:
      System.out.println(x)){//    After every iteration: print `x` to STDOUT
    var p=P;                 //   Create a BigDecimal to save the previous value
                             //   Set `x` to PI divided by `i`
                   21,5);    //   (with precision 21 and rounding mode HALF_DOWN)
                             //   Continue an inner loop as long as:
        x.subtract(p).abs()  //   The absolute difference between `x` and `p`
                             //   is larger than 1e-22
      x=                     //    Set `x` to:
        P.valueOf(i-1)       //     `i-1`
         .multiply(p=x)      //     Multiplied by `x` (and store the previous `x` in `p`)
         .add(               //     And add:
          P.divide(          //      PI divided by
           x.pow(i-1),21,5)) //      `x` to the power `i-1`
                             //     Divided by `i`

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on October 4, 2020

Python 3, 61 69 63 bytes

Variant of Jitse's answer, who wants to stick to standard libraries. As mentioned by @Seb & @Jitse, Rational or E/E are needed because 1/i isn't precise enough as float.

from sympy import*;i=E/E
while i<13:print(N(pi**(1/i),99));i+=1

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As a bonus, sympy allows to output 99 decimals with the same byte count as for 20 decimals:


Answered by Eric Duminil on October 4, 2020

Ruby -rbigdecimal/math, 65 50 bytes

Conveniently, even though BigMath.PI(9) only guarantees precision up to 9 digits, it actually is precise up to 26, which is enough to calculate the exponents, which use the builtin Rational fractions instead of floats to ensure the precision is still good enough. (Also, making a Rational saves a byte over dividing it normally, since Ruby uses integer division if both arguments are integers, necessitating the use of 1.0 somewhere in the code.)

-15 bytes from histocrat!

1.upto(12){|i|puts BigMath.PI(9).**(1r/i).to_s ?F}

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Answered by Value Ink on October 4, 2020

Jelly, 46 bytes


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Similar to some other answers, but encodes the difference between the Jelly answer and the correct answer (with big integer arithmetic). Full explanation to follow.

Answered by Nick Kennedy on October 4, 2020

Python 3, 146 bytes

import math
for i in range(1,13):print(str(math.pi**(1/i))[:~(i==2)]+str([32384,60272,2630,7127,'0593',2759,3966,4305,8683,2987,9321,69829][i-1]))

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This uses a similar method to Arnauld's JavaScript solution, by using the inbuilt pi value with the extra precision added to the end.

Answered by Matthew Jensen on October 4, 2020

cQuents, 268 bytes


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There is no way to get more precision out of floats in cQuents, so the values must be hardcoded as strings.

cQuents, 11 bytes


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Does not reach the required precision levels.

Answered by Stephen on October 4, 2020

bc -l, 28


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Answered by Digital Trauma on October 4, 2020

Canvas, 30 bytes


Don't try it here! It'll take a while to calculate all those digits (it took ~15 minutes to run for me). Rather, here's a version of the same code, only outputting the last 3 items.

Computes C ^ (27720/N) where C is the hard-coded constant pi^(1/27720) = 1.000041297024626834690309 and N is looped over from 1 to 12. The big number library decided to expand the amount of significant digits for successively bigger N, making the code take unreasonable amounts of time to run.

Answered by dzaima on October 4, 2020

Julia 1.0, 18 bytes


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(1./big(1:12)) divides a BigInt 1 by each of 1 thru 12, then π.^ raises pi to each of those values. So long as there is one BigInt or BigFloat involved in each computation, it will calculate the result at that precision. The @. macro transforms the code to add dots to every function call (thus the dots that appear in my explanation that don't appear in the code snippet), this causes it to "broadcast" which for this purpose means do it all elementwise.

20->19 thanks to Robin Ryder

19->18 thanks to TimD

Answered by gggg on October 4, 2020

Bash + bc + coreutils, 51, 40, 39, 36 bytes

following @ChristianSievers comment |cut -c -21 could be removed.

-3 bytes thanks to @DigitalTrauma.

echo "e(l(4*a(1))/"{1..12}");"|bc -l

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Some explanations

  • bc -l define math functions and set scale to 20, see man bc for more details
  • a() atan function, so 4*a(1) is pi
  • e() exp function
  • l() log function, so e(l(x)/y) is x^(1/y)

Answered by Nahuel Fouilleul on October 4, 2020

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 22 20 19 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to game0ver -1 byte thanks to LegionMammal978


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Answered by Galen Ivanov on October 4, 2020

Pari/GP, 20 bytes


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(TIO needs some supporting code, but this works as is in the REPL.

Answered by Christian Sievers on October 4, 2020

05AB1E (legacy), 47 43 40 bytes


-7 bytes thanks to @Grimy.

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Uses the legacy version, because for some reason the new version outputs $1.0$ for $pi^{frac{1}{1}}$.. :S


             # Push compressed integer 323846027232630971275059342759739669430598683329877932169829
 5ô          # Split it into parts of size 5:
             #  [32384,60272,32630,97127,50593,42759,73966,94305,98683,32987,79321,69829]
ε            # Then map each integer to:
   N>        #  Take the 0-based map-index, and increase it by 1
     z       #  Calculate 1/(index+1)
 žq   m      #  Then calculate PI the power of this
       16£   #  Only leave the first 16 characters (including decimal dot)
          ì  #  And prepend it before the current integer we're mapping
             # (after which the mapped result is output implicitly)

See this 05AB1E tip of mine (sections How to compress large integers?) to understand why •u¬Œo¡õ≠ÎĆζw1Á4¼©éßw–xùó1O• is 323846027232630971275059342759739669430598683329877932169829.

Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on October 4, 2020

Python 3, 91 bytes

import fractions as f;p=f.Decimal('%s2384'%f.math.pi);i=p/p
while i<13:print(p**i**-1);i+=1

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-23 bytes thanks to flornquake

Answered by Jitse on October 4, 2020

JavaScript (ES7), 121 bytes

Computes as many digits as the precision of IEEE 754 allows and hardcodes the other ones.


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_ =>                          // input is ignored
[ 32384, 60272, 2630, 7127,   // hard-coded digits for n=1 to n=4
  [n = 0] + 593,              // initialize n to 0, and set this entry to '0593' (n=5)
  2759, 3966, 4305, 8683,     // hard-coded digits for n=6 to n=9
  2987, 9321, 69829           // hard-coded digits for n=10 to n=12
].map(v =>                    // for each entry in the above array:
  (Math.PI ** (1 / ++n) + '') //   increment n; compute π**(1/n) and coerce it to a string
  .slice(0, ~(n == 2))        //   remove the last 2 digits if n=2,
                              //   or only the last digit otherwise
  + v                         //   append the hard-coded digits
)                             // end of map()

Answered by Arnauld on October 4, 2020

APL (Dyalog Extended), 9 8 bytesSBCS


Try it online! (⎕PP←34 is Print Precision: 34 digits; ⎕FR←1287 is Float Representation: 128-bit decimal)


()√ take the following roots of that:

⍳12ɩndices 1 through 12

Answered by Adám on October 4, 2020

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