Code Golf Asked by Delfad0r on February 19, 2021
A binary tree is a rooted tree whose every node has at most two children.
A labelled binary tree is a binary tree whose every node is labelled with a positive integer; moreover, all labels are distinct.
A BST (binary search tree) is a labelled binary tree in which the label of each node is greater than the labels of all the nodes in its left subtree, and smaller than the labels of all the nodes in its right subtree. For instance, the following is a BST:
The pre-order traversal of a labelled binary tree is defined by the following pseudo-code.
function preorder(node)
if node is null then
See the following image to get a better intuition:
The vertices of this binary tree are printed in the following order:
F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H
You can read more about BSTs here, and more about pre-order traversal here.
Given a list of integers $a$, your task is to determine whether there is a BST whose pre-order traversal prints exactly $a$.
Input ----> Output
[1] ----> True
[1,2,3,4] ----> True
[5,1,4,2,3] ----> True
[5,4,3,2,1,6,7,8,9] ----> True
[4,2,1,3,6,5,7] ----> True
[8,3,1,6,4,7,10,14,13] ----> True
[2,3,1] ----> False
[6,3,2,4,5,1,8,7,9] ----> False
[1,2,3,4,5,7,8,6] ----> False
[3,1,4,2] ----> False
Check out this link (courtesy of Kevin Cruijssen) to have a visual look at the examples.
Uses 'disqualifying condition' of any subsequence mid...high...low from tsh's and Lynn's answers.
Ṗ3 # consider all subsequences of length 3:
ṙ2 # check whether rotating 2 to the left
§=O # is the same as sorting;
¬ṁ # total of subsequences that satisfy this should be zero
Answered by Dominic van Essen on February 19, 2021
Answered by Razetime on February 19, 2021
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct tree
{struct tree * left;struct tree * right;int val;}tree;static int * test_p = 0;
void insert_root(tree ** root, int in)
{if (*root == NULL){*root = (tree *)calloc(1,sizeof(tree));(*root)->val = in;return;}else if (in < (*root)->val){insert_root(&((*root)->left),in);}else{insert_root(&((*root)->right),in);}}
void preorder(tree * root)
{if ( root == 0x0 ) { return; }*test_p++ = root->val;preorder(root->left);preorder(root->right);}
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
{int test_list[argc-1];memset(test_list,0,argc*sizeof(int));test_p = test_list;tree * root = (tree *)calloc(1,sizeof(tree));root->val = strtol(argv[1],0x0,10);int i = 1;while ( argv[++i] != 0x0 ){insert_root(&root,strtol(argv[i],0x0,10));}preorder(root);test_p = test_list;i = 1;while ( ( i < argc ) ){if ( *test_p != strtol(argv[i],0x0,10) ){return 0;}test_p++;i++;}return 1;}
The readable version of the program is below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct tree
struct tree * left;
struct tree * right;
int val;
} tree;
static int * test_p = 0;
void insert_root(tree ** root, int in)
if (*root == NULL)
*root = (tree *)calloc(1,sizeof(tree));
(*root)->val = in;
else if (in < (*root)->val)
void preorder(tree * root)
if ( root == 0x0 ) { return; }
*test_p++ = root->val;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int test_list[argc-1];
test_p = test_list;
tree * root = (tree *)calloc(1,sizeof(tree));
root->val = strtol(argv[1],0x0,10);
int i = 1;
while ( argv[++i] != 0x0 )
test_p = test_list;
i = 1;
while ( ( i < argc ) )
if ( *test_p != strtol(argv[i],0x0,10) )
return 0;
return 1;
The main method in this program reads the list of numbers that are (allegedly) a legitimate preorder traversal.
The function insert_root that is called inserts the integers into a binary search tree where previous nodes contain lesser values and next nodes contain larger int values.
The function preorder(root) traverses the tree in a preorder traversal and simultaneously concatenates each integer the algorithm comes across to the int array test_list.
A final while loop tests if each of the int values in the stdin list and those in test_list are equivalent at each index. If there is a list element from stdin that fails to match the corresponding element in test_list at the respective index, the main function returns 0. Else the main method returns 1.
To determine what main returned, type echo $status into the bash terminal. BASH will either print out a 1 or a 0.
Answered by T. Salim on February 19, 2021
All approaches are implementations of the rule shown by tsh.
(for(i<-l.indices)yield,l.size).forall(x =>l(i)>x._1|l(i)<x._2)).forall(x=>x)
(for(i<-l.indices;j<-i+1 to l.size-2)yield l(i)>l(j)|l(i)<l(j+1)).forall(x=>x)
If it must be a function and not just an expression then each line have to start with (17 bytes)
Answered by Dr Y Wit on February 19, 2021
with r(i,v)as(select rownum,value(t)from table(a)t)
select nvl(min(case when r.v<p.l and r.v>p.v then 0end),1)from r,(select i,lag(v)over(order by i)l,v from r)p where r.i+1<p.i
Since there is no boolean type in Oracle SQL, query returns either 1 or 0.
with function f(n ku$_objnumset,i int)return int as begin return n(i);end;
select min(case when f(c,1)>f(c,2)or f(c,1)<f(c,3)then 1else 0end)from(select value(t)c from table(powermultiset_by_cardinality(a,3))t)
It's not possible access element of the array in SQL the same way as in PL/SQL - i.e. a(i), thus function f
was declared in with clause
for that purpose. Otherwise solution would have been much shorter.
Other limitations
sqlplus listing
SQL> set heading off
SQL> with r(i,v)as(select rownum,value(t)from table(ku$_objnumset(6,3,2,4,5,1,8,7,9))t)
2 select nvl(min(case when r.v<p.l and r.v>p.v then 0end),1)from r,
3 (select i,lag(v)over(order by i)l,v from r)p where r.i+1<p.i
4 /
SQL> with function f(n ku$_objnumset,i int)return int as begin return n(i);end;
2 select min(case when f(c,1)>f(c,2)or f(c,1)<f(c,3)then 1else 0end)
3 from(select value(t)c from table(powermultiset_by_cardinality(ku$_objnumset(6,3,2,4,5,1,8,7,9),3))t)
4 /
SQL> with r(i,v)as(select rownum,value(t)from table(ku$_objnumset(8,3,1,6,4,7,10,14,13))t)
2 select nvl(min(case when r.v<p.l and r.v>p.v then 0end),1)from r,
3 (select i,lag(v)over(order by i)l,v from r)p where r.i+1<p.i
4 /
SQL> with function f(n ku$_objnumset,i int)return int as begin return n(i);end;
2 select min(case when f(c,1)>f(c,2)or f(c,1)<f(c,3)then 1else 0end)
3 from(select value(t)c from table(powermultiset_by_cardinality(ku$_objnumset(8,3,1,6,4,7,10,14,13),3))t)
4 /
Online verification
with r(i,v)as(select rownum,value(t)from table(a)t)select nvl(min(case when a.v<b.v and a.v>c.v then 0end),1)r from r a,r b,r c where a.i<b.i and b.i+1=c.i
Answered by Dr Y Wit on February 19, 2021
f(h:t)=t==[]||all(>h)(snd$span(<h)t)&&f t
Uses Lynn's observation that it suffices to check that there's no subsequence of the for mid..high..low. This means that for each element h
, the list of elements t
that comes after is a block of elements <h
followed by a block of elements >h
(both blocks may be empty). So, the code checks that after we drop the prefix of elements <h
in t
, the remaining elements are all >h
. Recursing checks this for each initial element h
until the list is length 1.
A potential simplification is that it suffices to check for subpatterns mid..high,low where the last two are consecutive. Unfortunately, Haskell's doesn't have an short way to extract the last two elements, as can be done from the front with a pattern match a:b:c
. I found a shorter solution that checks for mid,high..low, but this fails to reject inputs like [3,1,4,2]
Formatted test cases taken from Laikoni.
Answered by xnor on February 19, 2021
def%(i:Seq[Int])= !i.combinations(3).exists(c=>c(0)<c(1)&c(0)>c(2))
Port of @nwellnhof's answer.
def f(i:Seq[Int]):Boolean=if(i.size<1)1>0 else{val(s,t)=i.tail.span(_<i(0));t.forall(_>i(0))&f(s)&f(t)}
Thanks to @Laikoni for the suggestions to make both solutions shorter.
) the array using array's head as the slicing criteria.Answered by jrook on February 19, 2021
Answered by Laikoni on February 19, 2021
d@sY ð_§XÃxÈ-Y
Outputs false
for BST, true
for no BST.
d@ Run on each item X, return true if any aren't 0:
sY Ignore the numbers before this index
ð_§XÃ Get the indexes of numbers less than or equal to X
If it is a BST, this list will be e.g. [0,1,2...]
-Y Subtract the position within the index list from each index
eg. [0,1,2] -> [0,0,0] , [0,1,4] -> [0,0,2]
xÈ Sum the resulting array
Answered by Kamil Drakari on February 19, 2021
!*.combinations(3).grep:{[>] .[1,0,2]}
*.combinations(3) # All combinations of 3 elements a,b,c
! .grep:{ } # Return false if check succeeds for any combination
[>] .[1,0,2] # Check whether b>a>c, that is b>a and c<a
Answered by nwellnhof on February 19, 2021
Port of @Lynn's Jelly answer.
-5 bytes thanks to @Emigna.
Try it online or verify all test cases.
Œ # Take all sublists of the (implicit) input-list
# i.e. [2,3,1] → [[2],[2,3],[2,3,1],[3],[3,1],[1]]
# i.e. [1,2,3,4]
# → [[1],[1,2],[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2],[2,3],[2,3,4],[3],[3,4],[4]]
ε } # Map each to:
D # Duplicate the current sublist on the stack
{ # Sort the copy
# i.e. [2,3,1] → [1,2,3]
# i.e. [2,3,4] → [2,3,4]
3.I # Get the 4th (3rd 0-indexed) permutation of this list
# i.e. [1,2,3] → [2,3,1]
# i.e. [2,3,4] → [3,4,2]
Ê # Check that the lists are NOT equal
# i.e. [2,3,1] and [2,3,1] → 0 (falsey)
# i.e. [2,3,4] and [3,4,2] → 1 (truthy)
P # Check whether all are truthy (and output implicitly)
# i.e. [1,1,0,1,1,1] → 0 (falsey)
# i.e. [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] → 1 (truthy)
Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on February 19, 2021
Returns [4]
for traversals, otherwise []
Essentially uses tsh's algorithm: the "disqualifying" condition for a pre-order traversal is a subsequence of 3 elements that looks like [mid, high, low]. (For example, [20, 30, 10].)
We equivalently check for any subsequences of any length that have index 4 in their permutation lists, which are all lists sorted like [a1 … ak c d b] where the ai are sorted and ai < b < c < d. (Each such list is disqualifying if we look at the last three elements, and each disqualifying list is obviously of this form.)
ŒP All subsequences.
Œ¿€ Permutation index of each.
4ḟ Set difference of {4} and this list.
A pre-order traversal contains no disqualifying subsequences
Base case: traversal(•) is the empty list. ✓
Induction: traversal(t) is: t.root ++ traversal(t.left) ++ traversal(t.right).
Let [a, b, c] be a subsequence hereof. We'll show c < a < b is impossible.
- If t.root = a, then c < a < b requires c ∈ t.left and b ∈ t.right, so [a, b, c] is the wrong order.
- If a, b, c ∈ t.left or a, b, c ∈ t.right, use the induction hypothesis.
- If a ∈ t.left and c ∈ t.right then c > a.
A list of distinct integers without disqualifying subsequences is the pre-order traversal of a BST
If the list is empty, it's the traversal of the trivial BST •.
If the list is head followed by tail:
- Let less be the longest prefix of tail of elements less than head, and let more be the rest of the list.
- Then more[1] > head, and all other more[i] are greater than head too (otherwise [head, more[1], more[i]] would be a disqualifying subsequence).
- Recurse: turn less and more into BSTs.
Now our list is the traversal of
head / BST(less) BST(more),
and this tree is a valid BST.
Answered by Lynn on February 19, 2021
This works by recursively taking the first element a
as a pivot, and checking if the rest of the array can be split in two (using intersection and union: first remove all elements >a, then add them again on the right and check if something has changed).
Answered by G B on February 19, 2021
a->{var r=0>1;for(int j=a.length-1,i;j-->0;)for(i=0;i<j;)r|=a[j]>a[i]&a[j+1]<a[i++];return!r;}
Port of @tsh' JavaScript answer.
a->{ // Method with integer-array parameter and boolean return-type
var r=0>1; // Result-boolean, starting at false
for(int j=a.length-1,i;j-->0;)
// Loop `j` in the range (length-1, 0]:
for(i=0;i<j;) // Inner loop `i` in the range [0, j):
r|= // If any are true, change the result to true as well:
a[j]>a[i] // The `j`'th item is larger than the `i`'th item
&a[j+1]<a[i++]; // And the `j+1`'th item is smaller than the `i`'th item
return!r;} // After the nested loop, check if the boolean is still false
Answered by Kevin Cruijssen on February 19, 2021
Try it online! Link includes test cases. Uses @tsh's algorithm. Explanation:
Convert to unary.
Find numbers that lie between two subsequent consecutive descending numbers.
Check that the number of matches is zero.
Answered by Neil on February 19, 2021
Using the fact that for array $a_0 ... a_{n-1}$, $a$ is the pre-order traversal of some BST iff $ forall 0le i<j<n; a_i<a_{j-1} implies a_i<a_j $ holds.
Thanks to Arnauld, save 1 byte.
Answered by tsh on February 19, 2021
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