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CiviCRM : Recent Questions and Answers (Page 7)

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CiviCRM does not update status of PayPal Standard transactions after update to 5.27.2

Wordpress 5.4.2, CiviCRM 5.27.2 After updating CiviCRM to the latest version (5.27.2) CiviCRM stopped updating the status of contributions when payment is made using PayPal Standard payment procesor. The payment...

Asked on 08/30/2021 by Marian Zastawny

0 answer

Invalid Argument WebForm

I'm getting two error messages: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in wf_crm_get_fields() (line 910 of /home3/site/public_html/sites/all/modules/webform_civicrm/includes/ Notice: Undefined index: caseRoles in wf_crm_get_fields() (line 910 of /home3/site/public_html/sites/all/modules/webform_civicrm/includes/ when I try...

Asked on 08/30/2021 by Kevin Davis

1 answer

Email setup for outgoing mail

I'm totally new to civicrm, so I'd appreciate the simplest answer possible :) Here's my goal: to send mass emails through civicrm, to certain mailing list groups.Here's the problem:...

Asked on 08/30/2021 by Katia

3 answer

Required custom fields in events

For some of my events I need to add a custom field which I want to make required. For other events I don't want to include this field and I...

Asked on 08/30/2021 by Mick Kahn

0 answer

Member as chapter and company

So I know that the Organization contact type is sort of used for two purposes. One it can be a chapter of the primary org that the CiviCRM is setup...

Asked on 08/30/2021

1 answer

Need historical address information

I inadvertently changed an address on a contact and need to change it back to it's previous address. How do I find historical address information? ...

Asked on 02/27/2021

5 answer

CiviCRM menu not displaying properly or useably in wordpress

!( This is standard install of wordpress with the default theme, I've tried changing the theme and the settings in the...

Asked on 02/20/2021 by Sean Kenny

1 answer

Why is my Menu and dashboards not working on clean installation on Wordpress?

I have installed Civicrm 5.4 on a new Wordpress installation, I ran through the setup with one issue of a dashboard contact ID and have gone through the Configuration Checklist,...

Asked on 02/18/2021 by Jacques de Klerk

1 answer

Issue while Issuing donation receipt (SYSTOPIA Donation Receipts Extension)

Using donation receipt SYSTOPIA Donation Receipts Extension, issuing donation receipt creates this error (and does not complete)Box property calculation requires containing block widthI'm running 5.31.0 on...

Asked on 02/18/2021 by Laurent Arnoult

0 answer

error when making contribution page - "No Contribution Price Sets have been configured"

I have two contribution price sets. When I try to make a Contribution Page I get an error on the second tab "Amounts". When I check the "Contribution Amounts section...

Asked on 02/12/2021 by David S

1 answer

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