How do I deal with a dog chasing me when I'm touring?

Bicycles Asked by Darth Egregious on January 29, 2021

Once I was riding my road bike down a rural road. I heard barking over my shoulder and saw two dobermans running toward me. I can’t think of a time in my life that I felt more endangered.

I reacted instinctively and accelerated. Unfortunately I was on a gravel road and going into a bit of an incline. There was no way I could outrun those dogs. I looked back over my shoulder and they were no longer chasing me. The cycling gods must have been smiling on me.

Another time, in a similar situation, a different dog ran along next to me, barking and baring its teeth. I maintained my speed and yelled at it (trying to assert some dominance) until it got tired of chasing me.

These two experiences have done a lot to put me off touring alone.

How do I deal with issues like this?

32 Answers

I used to have a bike with a good pump peg, so that my frame pump would stay put without a strap. When a dog got threatening I could reach down, grab the pump, and wave it at the dog. From the dog's point of view it was black and menacing (even though the thing was actually all lightweight plastic and aluminum and couldn't hurt a flea) -- a mean dog knows what a stick is and will stay a respectable distance away.

Unfortunately, my current bike has no peg, and I must use a strap to hold the pump in place. Fortunately, I haven't had many run-ins with dogs of late.

Answered by Daniel R Hicks on January 29, 2021

If you are on an unfamiliar route or completely surprised by an encounter with a chasing dog, you basically have two tried and true options:

  1. Sprint Hard: You will likely exit the dogs territorial boundary in just a few seconds (though it will feel a lot longer). Once outside their perceived territory they will give up the chase.
  2. Dismount: If the animal is particularly aggressive and is right upon you, dismount, get your bike between you and the animal and back away slowly. While doing this you can reach down and pick up rocks or gravel to throw. Even if there aren't any rocks, just the action of bending over to pick something up and then the throwing motion is usually enough to startle a dog away.

If this is a known problem area, or an animal you encounter frequently you can pack a small water bottle with a fairly strong ammonia mix in it, and 'spray' the animal as it gets close. It's unpleasant enough that after a few experiences with you the dog will normally leave you alone. It's also a lot cheaper than mace, pepper spray, and won't disable you if you get hit by back spray.

Answered by Gary.Ray on January 29, 2021

If the hard sprint doenst work, Pepper spray is small, compact and quickly deployed. Some say a simple water bottle squirt to the dogs face will do it, but i have had a few persistant strays. A half spray in the general direction is more than enough.

Answered by Matt Adams on January 29, 2021

I was walking my mum's dog off-leash on a road, and another dog ran to attack her.

I was surprised by the attack, because the dogs there are normally trained to stay (and bark) on their own property, and never go onto the road.

Anyway, as it was running towards my dog to attack, it ignored me entirely: until I voiced a great big growl: at which it suddenly noticed me for the first time, and stopped. You're bigger than them. You have a right to be on the road. They'd have to be crazy to attack you.

There's a saying (I think they say it about sportsmen):

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight: it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Until I growled the other dog didn't realize that I was anything at all, didn't know I was even a player.

It's not that dogs are cowards necessarily, but consider this: wolves hunt animals larger than themselves: sheep, deer, caribou. But I don't think you'll find them hunting bear (or man).

Someone advised me once, if you ever find yourself alone with wolves in the wild, don't run away in fear: because whether or not you run from them is how they decide whether you are prey. Instead just continue to go about your business, and let them go about theirs.

As for the amount of fight you have in you:

  • Usually irrelevant. In my personal experience no dog (except puppies) has ever attacked any human, of any size, anywhere (dogs which are likely or able to, are instead restrained by their owners). Any dog which does attack a human is presumably executed, and their owner sanctioned.

  • However when my dog was under attack, I had a moment to discover how big the fight was in me: and I found it was big enough to say so. In an emergency I'm extremely heavy, and strong enough to lift a dog. We're not that fast, cannot run: but an attack is suicide (unless you're running away, in which case you're no threat).

In the city (in parks and on cycle trails) when off-leash dogs approach me, I slow down to avoid any risk of hitting them (as with children).

Dogs run and bark. That's what they do. Enjoy them.

Replies to comments:

Certainly dogs HAVE attacked (and sometimes killed) humans.

That's in answer to my, "In my personal experience no dog has ever attacked any human".

Conversely, I've heard anecdotes from people who are afraid of dogs.

In fact there was one lady who I met for the first time, and among the first things she and her husband said was that she was afraid of dogs. The next morning all four of us were walking (on a wide footpath in a nature reserve around a lake), more of less line abreast. An unleashed dog showed up on the path ahead, coming towards us, and she ducked behind her husband: at which the damn dog made a bee-line straight for her, frightening her (and so us) more.

I've been attacked by strange dogs on two occasions

I can't tell you what you did wrong or anything. Unleashed K9s, trained attack dogs, might be off-topic.

My main suggestions were only a) don't run b) communicate in a dog-appropriate way: things like, "Oh hello", "Actually I'm just going", "You think I have a problem?", etc.

Answered by ChrisW on January 29, 2021

I have been chased by dogs countless times while riding solo or with a group. In all cases I have never been bitten. I may be wrong but in most cases the dogs just want to frighten you away. What works for me is not to panic, try and maintain a steady speed, and most importantly, make sure not to hit/run over the dog if it is coming towards you. Here is a pic of me and a buddy of an incident with 2 dogs 2 summers ago taken from a GoPro camera: enter image description here

Answered by cyclo on January 29, 2021

Oh... where do I even start? I love dogs, I am crazy about them, too. I have 3 labs of my own. I am from a place where street dogs are very abundant. If you don't see any dogs in the next 100 yards, consider yourself lost! :D

I am barked at often, chased often, even confronted sometimes. I used to run away before, because it is what a normal guy does.

I learned a very big thing about dogs.

  1. They chase wimps. It's like what a bully does, going after the weakest target. So, don't you dare run when you are bullied. Take a bite instead but stand your ground.

  2. They sense fear. If you are scared while approaching a dog, he is sure to suspect you and bark/chase you.

  3. They love challenges. If they think you are a worthy adversary they will confront you either to be protective or to see who is stronger in the area.

Me, for a guy, who was constantly afraid of dogs, was suddenly in charge, after learning a little of these dog psychology tips.

Therefore, please believe me when I am saying this

  • I have never run away from a dog. (Unless I am very very late)
  • If a dog is chasing me, I hit my brakes hard, and stare right at it. Mostly he will not come forward, and bark from a safer distance, kinda like maintaining a line. So I can finally get moving slowly.
  • If dog is coming towards you even when you are standing ground. Get off your bike, show him You are not going to wait around, when he is coming towards you.

    Show them, you are ready. Call it like "Bring it on"

  • After a stare down, do not make a hasty move. (Got bit once by a shepherd this way.) Take it real slow. Be calm.
  • Suppose that, despite your confrontation, the dog is heading towards you, accepting the challenge. Still, you have a big weapon: Your Cycle. Lift the front wheels high and start swinging it, right and left. That is sure to stop his pace to think a bit.
  • If a dog passes this point, and still heading towards you then you are in a serious point. Where there are only three things to do.

    1. Surrender: Another psychology of dogs, if they pass that point, they are challenging you head on. So, better lower your body, sit down. Let the dog be taller than you. Don't care about him, or look at him. Instead hook a headphone in your ear and listen to the music. Music will calm your nerves down and send positive impulses for the dog to sense. Let him smell you. After few moments, just get up calmly grab your bike, start walking with it (but don't ride off) I have tried this so many times, its freaky but works

    2. Call for help: If the dog has an owner, (s)he may hear you if they are nearby. Or somebody might help you get out of this trouble.

    3. Get ready to fight: When nothing works, better get yourself prepared for the fight. From my own experience, dogs love to tear limbs. If they grab your limb, you just feel helpless. Avoid this

more on fight situation ....

  • Don't forget its an animal. Could be your last fight.
  • Pepper spray is handy as well if it comes to a fight - it's also useful for any muggers that might try for your wallet :) @Credit: Nate Koppenhaver
  • Protect your neck, hands and calf muscles at all cost. If they are hurt you have very slim of escaping.

  • Be defensive, rather than offensive: Let him make the first move and on retaliation you can do whatever you want. Effective targets are nose and eyes they will buy you a lot of time and you can make a run for it.

  • If you are lucky try to find a long stick. They are greatest weapons against dogs. Don't hit them. Just point it right at them and show them you will do it. Even a mini pump works, if you find nothing.

  • Don't let him corner you, keep the motion going,

    Normally when this happens, me and dog are generally circling each other

  • Make a little cage out of your bike. When you are cornered, this just might save your life.

  • Grabbing tail, makes him more angry, try to avoid that.

  • Grappling is only safe on the back of its neck. He can reach every other part.

How to avoid all this?

  • Dogs are very friendly creatures, you can be friends with them, no matter what. Treat them with respect.
  • Don't give them any reason to confront you.
    1. If speed is the problem, slow down
    2. If big size is the problem get off your bike
    3. If he suspects you. Let him smell you.
    4. Friendly look, with lovely hello, calms most of domestic dogs.
    5. If you see a dog that is sure to bark on you, change your approach. Get off your bike, start walking with it
  • If the dog has a owner, better complain to them to have better control.
  • Report to the law, if owner is not helping you
  • Pack some treats, they are better as friends than adversaries.


Do not scare a dog and run away. They become enemy for life.

Update: Rabid Dogs

Getting into a fighting situation with a rabid dog, is more harmful than it should be.

One of my little story:

One of my friend got into a similar situation with me, on a village cycle trip. A rabid dog was being chased by locals (its not abnormal here) and the dog out of fright ended up attacking us. My friend was a pretty agile cyclist, he immediately changed to defense position with his bike covering his entire body stopping the first attack. But, at a moment when dog was jumping at us, he used his elbow to hit the dog, but it bit him very badly.

Very torturous and painful moment we were in.

Worst part than the wound was the infection.

So, I suggest full defence no offence as much as possible, but if you are a fighter/ Martial Arts Expert or know how to protect yourself very well, then yes, sick dog are very easy to knock down just aim for the nose.

Answered by Starx on January 29, 2021

We always had a big dog in the house when I was growing up and I wrestled with them enough over the years that I'm not afraid of any dog.

As Starx said, they are more likely to go after you if they think you're afraid. Whenever I encounter an aggressive dog, I'm immediately much more aggressive in return: glaring, threatening ("you lookin' at me?"), getting into a fighting position, picking up something to hit the dog with if necessary...

Gary Ray mentioned putting the bike between you and the dog, I've done that and then picked up the bike and waved it threateningly in the dog's direction. Right hand on the seat tube just under the seat, left hand on the bars and held close to my body, and ready to hit the dog's head with the freewheel/rack/rear wheel if it charges.

Based on my experience "fighting" with dogs (more than play, but not a real kill-or-be-killed situation), if a dog really did attack me and I had anything at all to protect my arm a bit, I'd make a fist and try to shove it down the dogs throat. I've seen the gag reflex in a dog make it back off.

Answered by Ward - Reinstate Monica on January 29, 2021

If you know you might encounter dogs, carry a small packet or two of plain biscuits ( as in Commonwealth English or called cookie/cracker in the United States. )

enter image description here

(Image Attribution: English Wikipedia user Leevclarke)

If the dog does not let up in few seconds, continue cycling/walking and keep throwing a biscuit at a time in front of the dog. This will usually distract the dog till you are out of its territory. Usually 2 or 3 biscuits will do the trick.

  • In my experience, most dogs don't go for flavored biscuits like jam/chocolate/cream/salt or surprisingly, even milk biscuits. Basic plain or sweet biscuits are best.

  • Don't break up the biscuit into pieces, the bigger the piece, more
    time it will take for a dog to break and chew it!

Next time, even if the same dog chases you, it won't be to bite. It will probably be wagging its tail on seeing you.

btw, at the end of your cycling, if you have any biscuits left in an open packet, you get to have them for yourself ;-)

Wikipedia : Biscuit: In Commonwealth English, it is a small and hard, often sweet, baked product that would be called either a cookie or a cracker in the United States

Answered by X10 on January 29, 2021

I don't know if it is really the correct answer to carry some biscuits for nasty dogs running at you, from the point of view of the betterment of human civilization.

Roads are public commodities and should be safe for cyclists and pedestrians. There are enough other dangers, let's not allow this easily avoidable one.

I would suggest to forbid un-attached dangerous dogs on the roads, and one should report to the police any issue. Actually, I think it is the case in France: you may be barked at, but from the inside of gardens, and there is no danger.

And, oh, I love dogs, I love well-educated dogs that listen to their owners and don't bark randomly to strangers (but will bark violently to thieves).

Cyclists, pedestrians, humans, don't surrender: don't let the Dark Ages come over again.

Answered by gb. on January 29, 2021

Carry easily accessible dog snacks in your carry pouch. Dogs prioritize by food > sex > aggression. You only need to take care of #3 by implementing #1

Answered by Gene on January 29, 2021

Don't forget to call the police or animal control after the encounter. In many (most?) places it is illegal to let a dog run loose.

On one of my regular cycling routes there are two aggressive dogs that I sometimes meet together on an uphill grade. Worse, it's a loop, and if they see me when I first go by, they will be waiting in the road as I come around. So I usually dismount and use the bike as a shield. They have never figured out how to get around it.

Having had a heart to heart with the owner - he blamed his small kids for letting the dogs loose - pointing out the prevalence of coyotes around here has had some effect.

Answered by JKP on January 29, 2021

I love dogs and would never hurt an animal. I currently own a rescue dog who has some health problems but I took him in as if he was my own.

That being said I live in a rural area and a few years ago I had a regular route I liked to take and I would always pass this big farmhouse and I could hear dogs barking. I never thought much of it and one day I read in the paper that farmhouse was home to a pack of pitbulls. An elderly couple went for a walk and the dogs got out of the barn and mauled the couple.

Ever since then I bought bear spray from REI. It's more expensive than pepper spray and a heck of a lot more effective in that situation. In most cases a dog will eventually leave you alone I find but against a pack of pitbulls pepper spray is useless. It's a good idea to know the area you are touring in and if you aren't aware just make sure you have a good defense. If you're being chased by a large enough dog hit him with the spray and keep moving.

Answered by Jeremy Borton on January 29, 2021

The Canine Aggression FAQs from the RSPCA has some useful general advice about aggressive dogs. If you encounter an aggressive dog while cycling it recommends the following:

If you are cycling, dismount and place the bike between you and the dog. This allows you to slowly wheel it far enough away to remount. Do not try to outpace the dog as this may encourage it to chase you.

Answered by Tom77 on January 29, 2021

Some advice that I read on how to deal with dogs from a textbook for a motorcycle class I took says to slow way down and then accelerate. This works because apparently dogs are bad at math and it throws off their pursuit angle. Not sure if this advice will work on a bicycle since it depends a bit on how the dog is coming for you and how fast you can pedal.

I have never personally had enough time in this situation to employ that technique.

Answered by radix07 on January 29, 2021

Large dogs don't seem to be much of a problem, they usually don't seem to care about me when I'm cycling. It's the little yippy dogs that like to chase. They're pretty easy to outrun, so I just go ahead and do that. They tend to give up real quick. Large dogs I've always just slowed down to a walking pace and they've always lost interest at that point. The plan has been to dismount and keep the bike between myself and them to fend them off while hopefully waiting for an owner to appear. The plan of last resort is my handgun. Unfortunately due to the laws in the area that I cycle, spray strong enough to affect animals (such as bear spray) and tasers are not legal (considered "weapons" of a type that there is no license available to carry them). If you choose to carry anything, be sure to check your local laws, you may be surprised at what's prohibited!

Answered by Brian Knoblauch on January 29, 2021

An air horn could catch them by surprise long enough to make a get away.

Answered by Terri on January 29, 2021

I have been barked at by dogs and they looked like they were about to attack. So i barked and growled louder, I have never seen such a surprized look on a dogs face before. I kind of wonder what I said in dog language. That kinda surprized my neighbor too (not the dogs owner)!!!!! One other time I was chased by a dog so I stopped to growl and he came up to me just to be friendly. I guess ya just play it out as the dog reacts to you. Remember you are bigger and potentiality the alpha in the encounter. I am not wild about chemicals, either against animals or people, BUT I did see a small air horn at Autozone. it was about 5 inches long and maybe 3/4 inch diameter. A big loud noise should scare off any attacker. Human or animal. Or at least it will atract attention to your location.

Answered by Bo Quelland on January 29, 2021

Squirt some water on it from your water bottle. Tried and tested.

Answered by Dan on January 29, 2021

I've always had good luck using "Halt" pepper spray. It's made for cyclists and postal carriers. It seems to work adequately and all dogs. The last ocasion I had to use the Halt, my wife and I were riding in unfamiliar territory when a large dog came after us. A loud shout to "git" didn't work, so when he got within 5 feet of my bike, I gave him a taste of pepper spray, which sent him into the grass with his muzzle on the ground like he was mowing the grass! A couple of weeks later we found ourselves in the same area, and the same dog barked at us and started out of the yard towards us on a dead run until he saw me come up with my can of Halt, and halt he did! He just sat there quietly and watched us ride by. Guess he didn't like the taste of hot pepper!

Answered by Stephen McCoy on January 29, 2021

Dogs can be a pain, normally they’re not going to bite you as long as you just maintain speed and carry on. Although sometimes it’s just easiest for the owner as well to just stop then the dog will just sit there and look at you or jump up or down (from my personal experiences dependant on dog nature of course).

My recent encounter was a staffie looking type dog that I had no option but to stop on a canal otherwise I’d have run it over then it just evilly barked and ran around my bike and the owner managed to get hold of it, but the worry is that is the dog going to bite you and is it worth using a tool like a hand pump for defence in situations like that.

Answered by Ben Lavender on January 29, 2021

Well after a while of 2 dogs contiguously trying to bit my ass. I just shot the closest one and the other 1 now leaves me alone. Give it a try. (i used a CO2 gun)

Answered by ties to bike on January 29, 2021

I've had some success with confidently and loudly giving the dog commands, such as "Stay!" or "Sit!". I've had friendly dogs chase me in the park, probably just because they wanted to play. Shouting a command usually confuses the dog enough so that it abandons the chase.

Answered by uli on January 29, 2021

I had a Doberman and I certainly wouldn't get the idea that you could "stare them down". If it's one, get off and position the bike between you and the dog. DON'T turn your back, it WILL bite you. If it's two Dobermans, be prepared to be bitten by one of them; there's no fancy way around this. Just hope that their owner calls them off. And whatever happens, don't think that you yu can fight your way out it. You can't, and it will just make the dog madder. Sorry...but I wish you luck...

Answered by gedp on January 29, 2021

The best idea is to not see any doggie a long time. Do not look in to its eyes it might think you are gonna attack it. When it is coming closer to you just do the confident stare at it and get as high as you can. If it comes too close to you get of the bike use it as your weapon. If you are attacked by two or more dogs just don't let them to corner you from four sides. When it jumps on to you get ready. To Kick some A**S. then just go off its territory. But the nest thing is to not look at dogs. Singing might hep you.

Answered by Yashwanth on January 29, 2021

First, don't panic. Try to act normally and stay calm. Give an order to the dog in a firm voice such as "go home" or give the dog something like a water bottle to chew and play.

Answered by syad on January 29, 2021

In the worst case, there's the advice from Richard Ballantine's "Richard's Bicycle Book". Note that Richard was a dog-lover himself, and this was a last resort if an attacking dog is seriously endangering you.

"If the dog attacks: one defense is aerosol pepper sprays made for this purpose. They have a range of about ten feet and are light enough to clip to your handlebars. A water pistol loaded with a water-amonia solution will also work but is a good deal less convenient. If you have neither of these and can't or won't climb a tree get a stick or a large rock. No? The bicycle pump. Try to ram it down his throat. In any event, don't cower or cover up, because the dog will only chew you to ribbons. Attack. Any small dog can simply be hoisted up by the legs and his brains dashed out. With a big dog you are fighting for your life. If you are weaponless try to tangle him up in your bike and then strangle him. Kicks to the genitals and which break ribs are effective. If you have got a pump or a stick hold it at both ends and offer it up to the dog horizontally. Often the dog will bit the stick/pump and hang on. Immediately lift the dog up and deliver a very solid kick to the genitals. Follow up with breaking the dogs ribs or crushing its head with a rock. If worst comes to worst ram your entire arm down its throat. He will choke and die. Better your arm than your throat."

Answered by armb on January 29, 2021

This is not a "one size fits all" solution. It will depend on the number of dogs (pack mentality) and breed (some are more agressive than others). My unsuccessful attempts have been to try to use my frame pump or pepper spray -- try doing this while pedaling for your life and you will wreck, which the dogs will love. I never try to outrun a dog unless I have a gigantic head start. The one solution that has always kept me alive is to get off my bike, use my bike as a shield, maintain eye contact with the dog/s, and walk out of its territory. That's what this is all about -- you are in the dog's territory. The dog/s don't hate you for who you are, but for where you are. How dare you trespass in his territory!

Answered by Steve on January 29, 2021

Dogs are territorial. Get out of its territory. I have tried spraying and missed, swinging my pump and missed, and each time almost wrecked. If I'm not fast enough, I just get off my bike and walk out its/their territory while using my bike as a shield.

Answered by Steve on January 29, 2021

The water-bottle squirt works well.

Also, dogs are easily distracted. Throw something down. Dogs will often stop to investigate. So if you have a snack in your back pockets, throw it out there.

Please don't whack a dog with a frame pump.

Answered by TBR on January 29, 2021

Lately I was attacked by enormous amounts of dogs while riding. Wished I had pepper spray. I've never used it but I believe it will work. See in the link attached my experience with dogs recorded in my head camera; lots of them. I was lucky I was not eaten alive. Here only a gun would probably have stopped them. I believe it's figuring out who the leader of the pack and attacking it.

Answered by George Vlahos on January 29, 2021

I know this has a lot of answers but I had had a route around a beautiful lake with a pack of (I think domestic) dogs.

Based on fear I carried dog spray but as a dog lover it was a last resort. Is the dog just chasing you for fun or does it really want to bite you?

A pack of dogs has a different mentality just like a pack of people.

I would always circle the lake in a direction that I was on a downhill in their domain.

On the uphill coming in I would never stop pedaling so they did not hear the click click. If they crested the hill I would just turn around. On an uphill you are at a severe disadvantage as speed and you need both hand on the bars - you don't have a hand for dog spray.

On the downhill I would point at the pack so they would have to scatter and then just outrun them.

One day they got me clean from the side when I had just crested the hill without much speed. Lead dog was turning his head to bite my calf and I got him clean in both eyes. The whole pack stopped chasing me. After that all I had to do was hold up the can of spray and they let me pass.

Answered by paparazzo on January 29, 2021

I am a rural cyclist and have already met hundreads of dogs in my way. Here is some advice collected from experince.

Dogs are defending something

For thousands of years dogs have been artifically selected by humans to be domestic. There is hardly any remaining wild dog around. Food is provided by their owners, so they won't attack you for meal. They are defending their territory and owner. To have you out of their territory, the dog could try to kill you, but fighting for life is risky for the dog too. Barking and trying to scare you away poses much less risk and that is its wager.


If you keep on riding, the more intrepid dogs will bark at a dangerously short distance from your heels. I have been bitten for doing this on a descent (since I was coasting slowly, it was all too easy for the dog to aim my leg, but again, it was a warding off bite and not the first move of a battle for life). If riding on sandy terrain, you may lose traction and fall.

Dismounted, dogs will keep a more respectful distance. As you keep walking and heading out of his territory's boundaries, the dog will start lagging behind until you are no longer a threat. Don't run though; Preys run and you don't want to be taken for one.

I have never had a dog engage on me while dismounted. They will bark and keep their distance. But if you don't want to put all your stakes on it,

Grab an object, the larger and more maneuverable, the better

If you have nothing, grab whatever you can find, a broken branch lying on the ground is a good candidate. Don't make a gratuitous attack, as that could earn you a real confrontation, but only use it for keeping the dog at a distance. Dogs usually fear even the frailest of sticks.

Even better is to plan for it and bring something. I have exchanged my mini-pump for this 70 cm (width) x 3 cm (diameter) stick.

Stick on the pump strap

No dog has ever failed to pathetically wince back whenever I brandished it. Fortunately, never had to use it for real. A dog would need a very good reason to take the risk of having his skull smashed.

The stick is also useful if you are in a hurry and have no time to dismount. And I doubt any law considers bearing a stick illegal.

Extra notes

  • Consult the local biking community about the routes that have more or less dogs.

  • A group of dogs is more annoying and wage more than a single dog. Likewise, a dog is less powerful if you are cycling in a group.

  • Most dogs are pets, but some are specially educated to be guard dogs and to attack intruders. It is the owner's obligation to guarantee that such dogs are physically restrained to the property they are guarding. If you encounter a roaming guard dog, report the event to authorities.

If you like dogs (do this at your own risk)

Sometimes, if the dog is not very large and menacing and keeps a good distance, I lower my body and call it friendly. On my experience, the dog may

  • lower its ears, wag its tail and approach mistrustfully, but placated. You have likely earned a friend and can play a bit with it, but don't make brisk movements at the start of the interaction. Dogs are sincere creatures, they won't pretend to be appeased just to get closer to attack you.

  • actually wince back from your mere movement, thus betraying much fear and that it was all a bluff. You can keep going on more relieved, for although that is no friend, it is not a foe either.

  • keep barking. Withdraw your invitation and keep heading out.

Answered by Quasímodo on January 29, 2021

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