Who should be invited to which movie?

Arqade Asked on July 5, 2021

I recently bought the movie theater, and I am trying to find out who should be invited to which movie. For example, I recently invited Leo to Brave Little Sapling, but he only liked it, whereas I know Vincent loves the brave Little Sapling. I already tried to google it, but I only got the answer for Vincent.

Can anyone tell me who likes which movie?

One Answer

The Stardew Valley wiki Movie Theater page has a breakdown of who loves, likes and dislikes each movie, as well as everyone's favorite snacks. Here's a abridged version of everyone's top choices.

Villager Favorite Movie(s)
Abigail Mysterium
It Howls In The Rain
Alex Wumbus
It Howls In The Rain
Caroline The Brave Little Sappling
Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture
Demetrius Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
Dwarf Loves all the movies
Elliott Mysterium
Emily The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
Evelyn The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
The Zuzu City Express
George The Zuzu City Express
Gus The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
Haley Does not love any movie, likes every movie except Journey Of The Prairie King and Wumbus
Harvey The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
The Zuzu City Express
Jas The Brave Little Sapling
Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture
Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
Jodi The Zuzu City Express
Krobus Does not love any movie, and only likes Mysterium
Leah Mysterium
Leo Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
Lewis Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
Marnie The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
Maru Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
Penny The Brave Little Sapling
Pierre Wumbus
Robin Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture
Sandy Loves every movie
Sam Wumbus
Sebastian Mysterium
It Howls In The Rain
Shane Wumbus
It Howls In The Rain
Vincent The Brave Little Sapling
Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture
Wizard Mysterium

Correct answer by Kareen on July 5, 2021

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