This will explain how to export worlds from your device onto your computer.
On Android
Plug in your device to a computer via USB
Open a file manager
Go to the device's folder
Open the "games" folder then the "com.mojang" folder under it
There you will find the "minecraftWorlds" folder, open it and your worlds will be there
Since the worlds have random names (e.g mA8AACAzBwA=), open each world's folder and open the "levelname.txt" file which will say the name of the world you opened
Once you find the world (or worlds) you want to export, copy and paste the folder to some place on your computer
If you want to import it to a new device just reverse the process (copy the world from the computer to the "minecraftWorlds" folder)
On iOS
Install iFunbox (I will tell you how to do this with version 4.0)
Plug in your device to the computer that has iFunbox installed
Launch iFunbox and open the "My Device" tab
Click on "Apps" and open the sandbox for Minecraft