Arduino Asked by Bogd on February 27, 2021
I am trying to display some animations on a NeoPixel strip (more precisely, a WS2815 strip), using an ESP8266. For some reason, one of the animations will not display properly.
To give you an idea of the setup – I have a long string of WS2815 strips (4 strips, 300 LEDs each). The strips cross each other, forming loops (called "cycles" in my code). And I am trying to light these "cycles" separately.
In my loop(), I am doing something like this:
for (uint16_t i = 0; i<loops; i++) {
r = random(256);
g = max ( 0, (int)(random(256)) - r);
b = max ( 0, (int)(random(256)) - r - g);
prevcycle = cycle;
while (cycle == prevcycle) {
cycle = random(NUM_CYCLES);
cycleSetColor(cycle, r, g, b);
The actual function looks like this:
void cycleSetColor(uint8_t cycle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
for(uint16_t pix=cycle_start[cycle]; pix!=cycle_end[cycle]; pix=cycle_next(cycle, pix)) {
setPixelColor(pix, r, g, b);
Now the behavior is very strange – the only one of the cycles that lights up is the first one (the one that includes LEDs 0 to 300). Whenever I call the function for another cycle (one farther from the starting LED), nothing happens – the whole strip remains blank.
Trying to troubleshoot, I tried the following:
void cycleSetColor(uint8_t cycle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
for(uint16_t pix=cycle_start[cycle]; pix!=cycle_end[cycle]; pix=cycle_next(cycle, pix)) {
setPixelColor(pix, r, g, b);;
For example, if I have a cycle that includes LEDs from 420 to 600, then 730 to 890, I see LEDs lighting up all the way to LED number 800 – but the LEDs from 801 to 890 remain dark.
void cycleSetColor(uint8_t cycle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
for(uint16_t pix=cycle_start[cycle]; pix!=cycle_end[cycle]; pix=cycle_next(cycle, pix)) {
setPixelColor(pix, r, g, b);
if (pix%100 == 0) {; //This one lights the pixels
}; //This one does not?!
Of course, if I surround the final call to with Serial.println() messages, they are printed to the console – so it does look like the function is called properly. Yet somehow, the results do not show on the strip.
I have to mention that I do have some additional background tasks running (when doing setPixelColor, for example, I make sure every X milliseconds to take care of time-sensitive tasks, like WiFi and MQTT communication). But those should not interfere with, which is called directly from the library.
I also have to mention that I can display other animations, including some that light up pixels all the way to the end of the strip, without any issues – so I would say that I managed to solve the power and control voltage issues. It is just this particular function that I cannot get to work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!
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