Who taught Megumin Explosion magic? Is she mentioned anywhere in the LN?

Anime & Manga Asked by Jayed Yeameen on October 2, 2021

I have read the KonoSuba Light Novel upto Volume.8 and also the Explosions aka Bakuen spinoff. In the start of the spinoff the writer mentions about a woman who used explosion in front of Megumin. After that she practically fell in love with Explosion magic and eventually learnt Explosion. Does the main series or any of the spinoff tell about this anonymous woman. If so, tell me where?

One Answer

Volume 9 of the light novel (Kurenai no Shukumei, or "The Crimson Fate") covers this backstory. We learn that the person who taught Megumin explosion magic is the evil goddess of Sloth and Violence, Wolbach, who also happens to be a general of the Demon King's army.

Wolbach does not reappear in the series in any significant manner after Volume 9, although at the end of Volume 9:

Correct answer by user31815 on October 2, 2021

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